The Business Times

Singtel’s Optus tells lawmakers it had no crisis plan to address total outage


AUSTRALIA’S second-largest telco, Optus, had no crisis plan when a network-wide outage left nearly half the country without phone or Internet services for 12 hours, an executive told parliament on Friday (Nov 17), acknowledg­ing the company’s defences had failed.

The Singtel-owned company had recently war-gamed scenarios in which the routers that directed voice and Internet data failed in entire states, but it never expected a nationwide shutdown because it had alternate connection­s built into its network. Optus managing director of networks Lambo Kanagaratn­am told a Senate hearing: “We didn’t have a plan in place for that specific scale of outage.” He was referring to the Nov 8 failure that left much of the country unable to make payments, receive healthcare or contact emergency services for most of a day.

“It was unexpected. We have high levels of redundancy, and it’s not something that we expect to happen,” he said, using the telecommun­ications term for alternate routes to send data when an initial pathway fails.

The comments underscore concerns about the resilience of Australia’s telecommun­ications networks, which have been in the spotlight since a massive data breach at Optus last year exposed the personal data of 10 million Australian­s.

Now, the company faces a fresh reputation­al crisis after the service blackout, which it has said was triggered by a standard software upgrade at Singtel.

The Australian government has already imposed tougher cybersecur­ity reporting standards on telcos, and has said it plans to introduce mandatory reporting of ransomware attacks in all sectors under an overhaul of the country’s cybersecur­ity laws to be announced this month.

Kanagaratn­am told the hearing that Optus never expected a total shutdown because it had filters designed to stop all 90 of the company’s routers from being overloaded with data. But the filters failed, cutting the company’s ability to send data on alternate routes.

“The outage was a result of our defence not working as it should have,” he said. “Our network should have been able to deal with the change.”

The outage, which lasted from about 4 am to 4 pm local time, happened because Optus had to physically reboot all 90 routers plus another 50 core network devices, he added.

Optus chief executive Kelly Bayer-rosmarin, when asked why the company took six hours to dispel public concerns that it was under a cyberattac­k, told the hearing “there were some strange coincidenc­es that made us quite worried about that” because the Singtel board was in the country that day. She said 228 calls to Australian emergency triple-zero hotline failed to connect because of the outage, but the telco had followed up on all incidents and “thankfully, everybody is OK”.

Asked whether Optus was overly reliant on third-party contractor­s, Bayer-rosmarin said: “It is something I do think we should look at, in terms of the right level of outsourcin­g and insourcing.”

Singtel has said that although Optus experience­d an outage after its software upgrade, the upgrade itself was not the cause.

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