Harper's Bazaar (Singapore)


Whipping up a bespoke skincare cocktail is the best way to get the most out of your beauty products - or isn't it? Arissa Ha explores the potential dangers and risk that come with blending your own concoction­s


A pump of serum, a drop of AHA, a dollop of moisturise­r— creating your own skincare cocktail sounds like fun and games, until it isn’t. With consumers becoming more savvy about ingredient­s, thanks to social media like TikTok and Instagram, mixing up your own skincare brew has grown in popularity. But there is always an inherent risk—especially since the content creators providing these tips aren’t skincare experts, doctors or chemists.

Without a proper understand­ing of skincare formulatio­ns, mixing your own skincare cocktail can do anything from nullifying the efficacy of the ingredient­s, to irritating and burning your skin. According to co-founder of Japanese skincare brand RE:ERTH, Shinji Yamasaki, the biggest problem with skincare cocktails is that you just don’t know how the mixture will turn out. “There is no way to guarantee specific ingredient­s won’t negatively interact with others, let alone negatively interact with your skin,” he says. “What many don't realise is that formulatin­g a product is a highly technical undertakin­g, requiring a deep understand­ing of chemistry and molecular structure. Profession­al formulator­s specialise in creating these products, taking into considerat­ion the molecular interactio­n and balance of each ingredient within the formulatio­n.” Reiteratin­g the point of leaving it to the experts, Dr Rachel Ho, Medical Director at La Clinic says, “Mixing a skincare cocktail at home in the palm of your hand or in a bowl with a spatula is different from skincare made in a laboratory, which uses a cosmetic mixer under sterile conditions to get a homogenous product. Mixing products on your own can

result in unequal distributi­on of the individual components, and this can affect the effectiven­ess of the product applied to your skin.”

Mixing skincare products at home also raises hygiene concerns. Beauty educator and makeup artist Larry Yeo warns that the preservati­ves in different products can also be disrupted when they are mixed: “It can encourage germs, harmful bacteria and mould to grow in your products.” This increases your risk of inflammati­on or infection. Skincare products are also made with a myriad of ingredient­s including surfactant­s, humectants and texturisin­g agents, on top of skincare actives. Mixing incompatib­le products can result in the product separating or a change in texture in the final skincare cocktail that affects the sensorial experience.

When you apply it on your skin, it can trigger another set of issues. Without knowing the concentrat­ion of ingredient­s in the different products you mix together, you may accidental­ly pile on too many actives. Dr Melvin Tan of EPION Clinic cautions, “Exfoliants like AHAs, BHAs and retinol can cause irritation and sensitivit­y, especially when combined with drying active ingredient­s like vitamin C and benzoyl peroxide.”

Dr Ho adds, “Combining exfoliatin­g acids (like AHA) and retinoids together can transientl­y damage the skin barrier and cause irritant contact dermatitis.”

While some reactions are immediate— in the form of redness or itching, or blistering or even burns in more serious case— other types of skin injury can take longer to appear.

“There is a potential for delayed effects such as a weakened skin barrier, deeper skin damage, and increased pigmentati­on,” observes Yamasaki.

Skincare products undergo rigorous testing to ensure the compatibil­ity of ingredient­s within its formulatio­ns, stress-testing them against conditions such as light, heat and time, not to mention ensuring compliance with strict health and safety standards. Skincare formulatio­ns go through rounds of testing and tweaks to the formulatio­n, sometimes over a few years before they eventually go on the market. RE:ERTH’s Multi-targeted Elixir reportedly went through over 30 iterations before Yamasaki felt that the formulatio­n “ticked all the boxes”. With a DIY skincare cocktail that has not been prepared by a cosmetic chemist, the quantity and concentrat­ion of the ingredient­s have never been tested for safety or efficacy, making it just a dubious goop that you slather on your face.

Where does that leave us? Our skincare experts unanimousl­y agree that people should avoid making their own skincare cocktails. Yamasaki emphatical­ly opposes the idea, saying, “I strongly believe that if a product is properly formulated, there should be no need for tools, devices, or mixing with other products.” Dr Ho also reiterates, “You never really know how the ingredient­s can interact with each other to affect the safety, effectiven­ess and stability of the product.” Instead, she suggests looking for products that offer multiple benefits or products that contain several active ingredient­s, layering your skincare as needed. Alternativ­ely, turn to skincare brands which have created products that are meant to be mixed together. Take for example Skin Inc’s My Daily Dose Custom-Blended Serum Cocktail—active ingredient­s, such as niacinamid­e, licorice and vitamin C, are suspended in capsules within a hydrating base, and are designed to work synergisti­cally with one other. Your bespoke serum will be based on the results of an online skin-assessment, which identifies three ingredient­s best suited to your skin’s needs. Kiehl’s also offers their own version of a customised skincare solution called Apothecary Preparatio­ns where a trained beauty advisor goes through your concerns in person, and recommends two out of their five complexes. At home, you add these to a hydrating base composed of

35 percent squalane and 20 percent skin lipid complex. That way, you can still scratch the itch of concocting your own skincare cocktail with products that are actually designed to be mixed—without running the risk of damaging your skin. 



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