Expat Living (Singapore)


- REBECCA BISSET Editor-in-chief

We’re trying to get an idea of the financial lie of the land, so we do have a few questions for you to answer in order to be in with a chance to win the pair of return tickets. Yes, I know there’s always a catch, but I promise it will only take you a few minutes! See page 32 for details.

Well, what can we say about 2016? Glad it’s over? Bring on 2017? Numerologi­cally speaking, it was a number nine year, which marks the end of a cycle, whereas 2017 is a “one” year, which means the start of a new cycle – the chance to learn from the last cycle, perhaps? (It does feel like Groundhog Day sometimes...)

In this issue, we’ve got all sorts of things to help you be the new you, plus find out what’s in store for your Chinese zodiac sign in this Year of the Rooster (page 114). Apparently, there is romance in store for me! I will let you know at the end of the year if it came true… As usual, we also have plenty of ideas for giving your home a fresh new look. Speaking of homes, our annual Home & Property Guide will be out very soon, with even more tips and choices. To secure your own copy, head to expatlivin­g.sg/shop.

If you’re new to Singapore, make sure you follow what’s happening each week – visit us on Instagram (@expatlivin­gsg), and also keep an eye out for our coffee mornings and newcomer nights, which are always fun.

Happy, Happy New Year: wishing you all that you wish for this year!

Fancy a free trip to San Francisco for you and a friend? If you don’t have a friend, I’m happy to come with you – I promise I’ll be quiet on the plane; you won’t even know I’m there!

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