Arab News

Will Mustafa Al-Kadhimi save Iraq?


to the US presidenti­al election, the result of which will have a decisive effect on Iran and its relationsh­ip with other countries in the region, including those in the Gulf.

Al-Kadhimi’s most difficult tasks will be to save Iraq from Tehran, which wants to control its neighbor, and to steer his country away from the dangers resulting from the US-Iran conflict. This escalated after Washington revealed Tehran’s intention to cause political and security chaos in Baghdad. Soon after, the US assassinat­ed Soleimani, Iran’s most prominent military leader, and several militia leaders, which was followed by an escalation of protests against the American military presence in Iraq. This was the highest level of confrontat­ion on Iraqi soil.

Soon after Al-Kadhimi was confirmed as prime minister, the US government announced that, as an exception to its sanctions, it had given Iraq permission to buy oil from Iran. The move was designed to encourage the Iranians to curb their disruptive activities in Iraq.

However, Al-Kadhimi inherits the same problems that faced his predecesso­rs, Haider Abadi and Adel Abdul Mahdi.

Iran has infiltrate­d Iraq’s security, military and religious institutio­ns. Sectarian and regional rifts have grown and corruption has increased. Government fiscal deficits have multiplied as a result of the collapse in oil prices and the recent street protests, which could return at any time.

The new prime minister needs to build public confidence in the government and secure the cooperatio­n of parliament to meet the demands of demonstrat­ors. He will also have to quickly control the militias and “restore prestige to the military and security institutio­ns,” as he himself said on Tuesday.

The list of expectatio­ns among Iraqis is a long one, and it will be no less difficult for him to meet the expectatio­ns of regional and internatio­nal powers.

However, what Al-Kadhimi has in his favor, which puts him in a better position than his predecesso­rs, is that he came to power without a history of prior feuds or disagreeme­nts. His relationsh­ips with all sides, including warring parties, are good. This places him in a good position to move forward in the next few months by taking advantage of this goodwill, and the willingnes­s of most politician­s to cooperate with him, to free Iraq from the impasse it has been stuck in for years.

The recovery and rehabilita­tion of Iraq is in the interests of everyone, and would offer hope for others in a region that is experienci­ng unrest on a scale it has not experience­d for decades. The resolution of Iraq’s crises will help the region to emerge, finally, from a world of chaos.

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