Arab News

Hezbollah ‘thugs’ bully protesters

- Tarek Ali Ahmad, Najia Houssari

As protests in Lebanon against corruption and taxes entered their ninth day on Friday, both the Hezbollah militia and the Free Patriotic Movement (FPM), founded by President Michel Aoun, increased their presence on the streets.

Clashes erupted between Hezbollah supporters and protesters and riot police, before and after the militia’s Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah gave a speech. Several people were injured as both sides, predominan­tly Hezbollah supporters, hurled projectile­s at one another. The riot police forced a buffer between both crowds in an attempt to deter the projectile­s, following Nasrallah’s speech — which was decried as “redundant” and “same as (PM Saad) Hariri’s (speech).” Nasrallah claimed that the protests were being orchestrat­ed by “specific, known political parties, powers, communitie­s and institutio­ns.” Hezbollah supporters went to Riad Al-Solh Square — the center of the uprising in Beirut — where they threatened and intimidate­d protesters in an attempt to quash any criticism of Nasrallah, and led chants calling the head of the Lebanese Forces, Samir Geagea, a “terrorist.” Arab News spoke to several protesters who called Nasrallah’s supporters “thugs.” One of them asked: “What brought Hezbollah here? This is not its place.”

One protester told Arab News: “Instead of standing by the people, Hezbollah is standing against them. It is a shame.” Another addressed Nasrallah directly, saying: “We love you. Why do you make us hate you and your supporters?” One also said: “Without the people, neither Nasrallah nor anyone else would be

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