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Asian community rattled by Trump immigratio­n policies


LOS ANGELES: The debate surroundin­g US President Donald Trump’s immigratio­n crackdown has focused almost entirely on the Latino community, leaving other groups affected — notably Asians — largely out of the discourse, experts say.

Of the estimated 11 million unauthoriz­ed immigrants in the United States, some 80 percent are from Mexico or elsewhere in Latin America. But the second largest group — 1.5 million — are from Asia, according to government figures and researcher­s.

The majority hail from China, India, the Philippine­s and South Korea, representi­ng the fastestgro­wing segments of unauthoriz­ed immigrants in the United States since 2000, according to the Pew Research Center and the Migration Policy Institute.

The number of unauthoriz­ed immigrants from India, for example, grew by about 130,000 from 2009 to 2014, to an estimated half a million, according to Pew.

And yet Asians have often been overlooked in the current debate over illegal immigratio­n, which has mainly been cast by the Trump administra­tion as a Mexican issue that can be tackled by building a wall along the US-Mexico border.

“Asians in the United States have not received the same sort of focus as people from Mexico and Latin America,” said Stephen YaleLoehr, an immigratio­n lawyer and professor at Cornell Law School.

“It may be more sociologic­al than anything else but they are certainly concerned, as everyone else, about the new enforcemen­t policies.”

Joon Bang, executive director of the Korean American Coalition in Los Angeles, said that since Trump’s election in November he has witnessed mounting fear within the Korean community over the president’s immigratio­n policies.

“To give you an idea... we normally get about 60 calls a month regarding immigratio­n issues and since Trump was elected we’ve had an average of about 150 calls per month,” Bang said.

“It’s all fear-related, from people with or without status, to those with a visa or in the process of applying for citizenshi­p.”

He said the anxiety is such that in one instance a Korean woman in Los Angeles who was domestical­ly abused refused to go to the police for fear she and her family would be deported.

While most of the Latino undocument­ed immigrants cross into the United States by slipping through the US-Mexico border, those from Asian countries typically arrive on tourist or student visas and then overstay their allotted time.

And unlike immigrants from Mexico or Central America, they usually do not come from a poor background and have immigratio­n petitions in the pipeline.

Bang said that many undocument­ed Asians, especially Koreans, have taken advantage of Obamaera executive policies on Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents (DAPA).

These defer deportatio­n for unauthoriz­ed immigrants who grew up in the United States and for parents of American citizens or legal residents.

“There is a demographi­c among the Asian community that wants to take advantage of this, so that they can be seen... and come out of the shadow,” Bang said.

The concern now, however, is that these programs face an uncertain future under the Trump administra­tion.

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