Arab News

George, Amal to avoid travel to ‘danger’ zones


PARIS: Hollywood star George Clooney said Thursday that he will be stopping his visits to the world’s trouble spots now that his wife is pregnant with twins.

The actor — who campaigns against war and famine in Africa — told the French magazine Paris Match that he would “no longer go” to conflict-torn South Sudan.

He said he and his Lebanese-born lawyer wife Amal Clooney — who has been involved in a string of high-profile human rights cases — had “decided to be a lot more responsibl­e and avoid danger.”

He said she would no longer be working in Iraq “or places where she is not welcome,” he was quoted as saying by the magazine, which translated his comments from English.

Asked about the immense responsibi­lity of bringing a child into the world, the actor — who will be 56 when he becomes a father — said “how could you not be anxious?”

He had earlier told French television the couple were “really happy and really excited. It’s going to be an adventure. We’ve sort of embraced it all with arms wide open.”

The Clooneys announced this week that they were expecting twins this summer and the actor said Thursday that they did not want to know their sex.

Clooney joked that the press had been saying for three years that Amal was pregnant “but this time it is true.”

He also waded into the row over Roman Polanski being forced to drop out of Friday’s “French Oscars,” the Cesars, saying it was alarming that the controvers­ial director was still being pursued over a 40-year-old statutory rape case.

Clooney, who will be awarded an honorary Cesar at the ceremony in Paris, said it was also time that 83-year-old Polanski “put an end” to the saga.

Earlier this month Polanski’s lawyers began a legal bid for him to be allowed to return to the United States.

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