Qatar Tribune

QIIB honours long-tenured employees


QIIB honoured a number of the bank’s veteran employees who spent a period of 25 years at the bank, a tradition that the bank is committed to maintain in appreciati­on and honour of their service all these years.

QIIB Chief Executive Officer Dr Abdulbasit Ahmad al-Shaibei presented certificat­es of appreciati­on to the honoured employees at a ceremony hosted at the bank’s main headquarte­rs, in the presence of Ali Hamad al-Mesaifri, Chief of Human Resources & Administra­tion.

The honoured employees are Ibrahim Waheed Aldaoseri, Abdul Nasser Elqaq, Abdul Rasheed Valappil, Arif Kalu, Abdul Salam Muthuvanna­cheri andsAbulla­ise Athum Munakath.

During the honoring ceremony, Dr AlShaibei said, “Today, we are pleased to be with distinguis­hed employees who served a quarter of a century at the bank with all dedication and diligence. These employees witnessed the steady progress achieved by the bank and were partners in it. We must thank them for their efforts during these long years.”

“QIIB values dedication and sincerity at work, and we are proud of the loyalty of our employees, which we have experience­d over many years. This loyalty results from many factors, including the stable and distinguis­hed work environmen­t that we provide to our employees, opportunit­y for profession­al advancemen­t, promotion of various initiative­s and recognitio­n of creativity and excellence.”

The CEO pointed out, “The accumulate­d experience of the bank’s long-serving employees is a great wealth that we are working to benefit from to the maximum extent. We constantly seek to blend this experience with the energies of the youth, talent and insights, and their experience­s derived from various universiti­es and educationa­l centres. This gives us great flexibilit­y at the work place and enables us to make wise decisions and keep pace with the times at the same time.”

Dr Al-Shaibei emphasised, “Honouring loyal, long-serving employees and celebratin­g their efforts, shows QIIB’s recognitio­n of the values of work, achievemen­t, dedication, good role models, and the ability to keep pace with the times and carry out the tasks assigned to the employee to the best possible standards.”

He stressed, “QIIB will maintain its interest in human resources and carry out the Board of Directors’ directive in the field of human resources, which is primarily based on government directives and Qatar National Vision 2030, which pays exceptiona­l attention to Qatari competenci­es in various fields of work at the bank”.

In turn, the honoured employees expressed their thanks and appreciati­on to the bank’s CEO and executive management for gesture, which reflects the bank’s respect for their long-standing efforts and their contributi­on to the progress of the bank during their years of service.

The employees indicated that they will continue to carry out their duties and exert their utmost efforts for the benefit of the bank and all employees”.

 ?? ?? QIIB honoured a number of the bank’s veteran employees who spent a period of 25 years at the bank.
QIIB honoured a number of the bank’s veteran employees who spent a period of 25 years at the bank.

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