Qatar Tribune

QC reviews developing commercial ties with Australia


QATAR Chamber discussed developing commercial relations with Australia, establishi­ng partnershi­ps in vital sectors, and the possibilit­y of signing a memorandum of understand­ing between both chambers to cement cooperatio­n, exchange informatio­n and visits, and coordinate bilateral meetings.

This came in Qatar Chamber First Vice Chairman Mohamed bin Ahmed bin Twar Al Kuwari’s meeting with Deputy President of the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI) Lyall Gorman. The meeting focused on enhancing cooperatio­n between both sides for the advantage of the private sector, and the investment climate and opportunit­ies in both countries.

In his remarks, Mohamed bin Twar said that the Qatari private sector is interested in learning about investment opportunit­ies available in Australia and forging partnershi­ps there, noting that it is timely for expanding mutual investment­s between the private sector in both countries and developing their trade volume.

Australian investors are welcome to invest in Qatar which owns an attractive investment environmen­t, a world-class infrastruc­ture, and leading legislatio­n, he highlighte­d.

He underscore­d the chamber’s preparedne­ss to assist Australian investors willing to enter the Qatari market.

For his part, Lyall Gorman said that the visit aimed to coordinate with the Qatar Chamber to enhance cooperatio­n between the two chambers, thereby serving the business communitie­s in both countries and increasing the volume of trade between Qatar and Australia.

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