Qatar Tribune

Yellen pushes for China to address Zambia’s big debt


U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, on the second leg of an African tour aimed at promoting American investment and ties, said on Monday it’s crucial to immediatel­y address ambia’s heavy debt burden with China.

Yellen was in usaka, a capital city that’s visibly dominated by Chinese financing. Visitors to usaka arriving at the renovated Kenneth Kaunda Internatio­nal Airport see a facility expanded in 2015 with Chinese money. A ride into the city passes billboards and newly built firms bearing Chinese signage, more evidence of Beijing’s influence and increasing competitio­n with the United States.

But the growth that the country has experience­d has come with a heavier debt burden.

ambia became Africa’s first coronaviru­s pandemic-era sovereign nation to default when it failed to make a 42.5 million bond payment in November 2020. Negotiatio­ns over how to deal with the debt load have been ongoing.

Experts say a prolonged debt crisis could permanentl­y prevent countries like ambia from recovering, leading to an entire nation sliding deeper into poverty and joblessnes­s, and exclude it from credit to rebuild in the future. “It’s critically important to address it right away,” Yellen told reporters at a Monday morning press conference in ambia’s National Public Health Institute.

How ambia’s debt is renegotiat­ed with the Chinese and how quickly will provide a test case for how lenient China will be with other overextend­ed nations that face debt distress.

On Monday, Yellen said that while she had “constructi­ve” conversati­ons with her Chinese counterpar­t on ambia’s debt in Switzerlan­d during a first face-to-face meeting last week, “it’s taken far too long already to resolve this matter.” Addressing ambia’s debt is a primary reason for Yellen’s visit, and the Treasury secretary will meet with ambia’s president and finance minister later Monday to push for the Chinese to continue negotiatio­ns.

Yusuf Dodia, an economist and director of Action Group ambia, told The Associated Press that while analysts say ambia shouldn’t take on any more debt, “there are infrastruc­ture projects that we need done to change the trajectory of the ambian economy.” “If we had a widespread railway system, that would ensure that the cost of transport in ambia would be brought down to 15 of the current

cost right now we’re dependent on busing and trucking that would lower the cost of doing business.” Also Monday, Yellen toured Mylan aboratorie­s, a packaging subsidiary of American pharmaceut­ical manufactur­er Viatris. The lab opened in 2010 with a 10 million U.S. investment and packages drugs that treat malaria and HIV in the country and region.

Still, Yellen insists her trip is not about competitio­n with China.

“We want to deepen our engagement,” she said “We see a rapidly growing young population that needs opportunit­ies and economic growth.” “We have many government programs and internatio­nal programs that are oriented to help efforts to build infrastruc­ture,” she said. “And when we do that, we want to make sure that we don’t create the same problems that Chinese investment has sometimes created here.” Yellen said the U.S. wants to invest in companies with contracts that “have transparen­cy, that we have projects that really bring broad-based benefits to the African people and don’t leave a legacy of unsustaina­ble debt.” She also made a stop at the ambia National Public Health Institute, considered a model of its kind.

Yellen started her 10-day African trip in Senegal, where she visited a onetime slavetradi­ng post, and will visit South Africa.

The Biden administra­tion’s tour of Africa continues, as the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, inda Thomas-Greenfield, announced that she would be the second Cabinet member heading to Africa to Ghana, Mozambique and Kenya starting Jan. 25 as part of President Joe Biden’s big push to engage with the world’s second-largest continent.

 ?? ?? US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen
US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen

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