Gulf Times

Stop wasting our money, Johnson told


British Prime Minister Boris Johnson must stop squanderin­g taxpayers’ money and start spending it on projects to improve citizens’ quality of life, the opposition Labour Party said, promising a rival vision for post-coronaviru­s Britain.

Finance Minister Rishi Sunak will on Wednesday announce tens of billions of pounds of infrastruc­ture investment and set spending budgets for the next year – focusing on how to ‘level up’ opportunit­y in poorer regions outside London.

Ahead of that, Labour’s would-be finance minister Anneliese Dodds accused Sunak and Johnson of wasting public money during the coronaviru­s pandemic and a long-term failure to fix imbalances during the Conservati­ve Party’s 10 years in power.

“After a decade of letting Britain down, people don’t want to hear more empty rhetoric and last-minute decisionma­king from this government,” Dodds said in a statement ahead of her appearance at a Reuters Newsmaker event today.

Johnson won a huge election victory last year built on twin promises to take Britain out of the European Union, which he did in January, and to spread the wealth and prosperity concentrat­ed around London to all four corners of the United Kingdom.

But the Covid-19 crisis has blown a £200b ($265.6bn) hole in Johnson’s regenerati­on plans.

Critics of his government’s response say it has made regional divisions even worse and disproport­ionately impacted those living on lower incomes.

Labour, under new leadership since Keir Starmer took over from left-wing veteran Jeremy Corbyn in April, are looking to capitalise on public dissatisfa­ction with Johnson’s handling of the crisis and capture voters’ trust on the economy.

 ??  ?? Pedestrian­s wearing protective face covering to combat the spread of the coronaviru­s, look at a phone in Covent Garden in central London, yesterday.
Pedestrian­s wearing protective face covering to combat the spread of the coronaviru­s, look at a phone in Covent Garden in central London, yesterday.

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