Gulf Times

Directives issued for EV charging units


The Ministry of Transport and Communicat­ions (MoTC) stressed that any company wanting to install charging units for electric vehicles (EVs) must co-ordinate directly with the Technical Affairs Department at the ministry before going ahead with installati­on.

This comes in implementa­tion of the Electric Vehicle Strategy MoTC developed with the bodies concerned and which includes the standardis­ed specificat­ions and criteria for EVs and charging units already certified by relevant government entities.

The step is meant to ensure all charging units match the approved standards and specificat­ions as well as the country’s plans drawn in this regard by the task force in charge of implementi­ng the strategy of installing electric changing units, chaired by MoTC with the membership of the Qatar General Electricit­y & Water Corporatio­n (Kahramma).

The task force will be working on issuing a guidebook on the infrastruc­ture relating to EV charging units in Qatar. MoTC co-ordinates with several government entities to install and operate EV charging units this year and the coming one. It also co-ordinates with private sector companies to provide a number of charging units for free — to be installed at locations to be specified by MoTC —and perform periodic maintenanc­e for them.

The strategy backs the country’s agenda for a greener future and contribute­s to striking an economic-environmen­tal balance in a way that ensures transporta­tion sector’s infrastruc­ture projects sustainabi­lity.

It will also support economic growth while making the most out of the natural resources by increasing the revenues of oil and gas sectors and developing the means of transporta­tion though deploying clean and alternativ­e energy in step with latest universal eco-friendly systems to reduce carbon emissions and, therefore, create a clean, healthy and safe environmen­t for generation­s to come.

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