Gulf Times

QFFD signs MoU for repairing Beirut schools


In order to provide the necessary support for a project aiming at rebuilding damaged schools following August’s Beirut explosion and ensuring the educationa­l process continuity, Qatar Fund for Developmen­t (QFFD) has signed a memorandum of understand­ing (MoU) with the Lebanese Ministry of Education in co-operation with Education Above All Foundation (EAA) and United Nations Educationa­l, Scientific and Cultural Organisati­on (Unesco). Sponsored by QFFD, EAA and Unesco have joined hands for the sake of repairing 55 schools, 20 technical and vocational education and training (TVET) centres and three universiti­es in Beirut.

„ MoU signed as part of undertakin­g of His Highness the Amir to contribute to reconstruc­tion process of Beirut „ Sponsored by QFFD, EAA and Unesco join hands for initiative to repair 55 schools, 20 technical and vocational education and training centres and three universiti­es in Beirut

In order to provide the necessary support for a project aiming at rebuilding damaged schools following August’s Beirut explosion and ensuring the educationa­l process continuity, Qatar Fund for Developmen­t (QFFD) has signed a memorandum of understand­ing (MoU) with the Lebanese Ministry of Education in co-operation with Education Above All Foundation (EAA) and United Nations Educationa­l, Scientific and Cultural Organisati­on (Unesco).

Sponsored by QFFD, EAA and Unesco have joined hands for the sake of repairing 55 schools, 20 technical and vocational education and training (TVET) centres and three universiti­es in Beirut. This is within the framework of ensuring the continuity of learning and enabling children and youth’s access to their right to education and its practice, according to a press statement by EAA.

“The memorandum has been signed as a part of the undertakin­g of His Highness Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani, Amir of Qatar, to contribute to the reconstruc­tion process of Beirut. That undertakin­g was given during the Paris Conference of Donors, held under the auspices of the UN with the participat­ion of different world leaders and presidents. The conference was held in an effort to raise funds in favour of the Lebanese people following the Beirut Port explosion,” Khalifa bin Jassim al-Kuwari, director-general of QFFD, asserted.

“Since the beginning of the crisis, the State of Qatar has taken actions through building field hospitals and sending air bridges on an urgent basis to secure the necessary assistance for Lebanese brothers and sisters. This MoU constitute­s a complement­ary element of Qatar’s humanitari­an duty. It is also the product of brotherhoo­d bonds, in terms of solidarity and fulfilment of its duty and commitment represente­d in providing this country with the necessary support,” alKuwari added.

Fahad al-Sulaiti, CEO of EAA, said: “This partnershi­p will help provide children and young people in Lebanon with access to safe, quality education to ensure that they have the opportunit­y to succeed in life. The partnershi­p between Education Above All Foundation and Unesco will help the people of Lebanon overcome this challengin­g period and ensure that the heavily damaged education sector is rebuilt and rehabilita­ted following the recent unfortunat­e event.”

“We express our sincere gratitude for QFFD’s support provided to rehabilita­te educationa­l buildings in Beirut. It constitute­s an essential component of the reconstruc­tion process in Beirut following the destructiv­e explosion at the Port,” said Tariq Mohamed al-Majzoub, Lebanon’s Minister of Education and Higher

Education. The Beirut Port explosion occurred on August 4. Some 207 private and public schools were damaged, affecting more than 85,000 students as well as 7,600 male and female teachers. In addition, 20 schools for TVET were damaged, affecting at least 7,300 trainees. “From this standpoint, the State of Qatar responded to fill the deficit in the heavily damaged educationa­l sector in Lebanon. Because education must continue, this stems from the humanitari­an duty of the State of Qatar and its commitment to support the people of Lebanon,” the statement added.

 ??  ?? One of the many schools damaged by the Beirut Port explosion.
One of the many schools damaged by the Beirut Port explosion.
 ??  ?? Officials at the signing of the MoU.
Officials at the signing of the MoU.
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