Gulf Times

Kidnapped children released in Cameroon


Kidnappers freed scores of school children and a driver in west Cameroon early yesterday, but kept hold of a principal and one teacher, officials said, following an abduction blamed on anglophone separatist­s.

Armed men who seized the youngsters on Monday in the city of Bamenda – a commercial hub of Cameroon’s restive English-speaking region – released them about 18km away in the town of Bafut, the army said.

The scale of the incident – with some 80 children taken – was unpreceden­ted in the country’s long-running separatist crisis and a lack of official informatio­n fuelled confusion in the wake of their disappeara­nce.

“I learned about the kidnapping on Facebook. I started praying for my daughter not to be among them,” said Philo Happi, mother of a 15-year-old girl.

“I discovered she was kidnapped. I was crying. I was scared. (Now) the children have been found. I’m happy.”

Samuel Fonki, a minister of the Presbyteri­an Church in Cameroon who negotiated to free 78 children, said no ransom had been paid but gave no more details on the circumstan­ces leading up to their release.

“The principal and one teacher are still with the kidnappers. Let us keep praying,” he said, adding that one child had escaped on his or her own.

The freed children were unharmed although their clothes were dirty and they appeared exhausted, according to witnesses.

Alain, 17, described how the kidnappers had taken them from school early Monday morning, forcing them to run and at one point cover their faces.

They were not treated violently and received some food, he said.

“They gave us kontchap (a mix of corn and beans) to eat,” he said.

“It was not enough but they still gave us some. They also gave us water.”

Army spokespers­on Didier Badjeck said the kidnappers released the children after the military found out their location.

Two other children were still missing, along with the principal and teacher, he said.

Fonki and the Cameroonia­n military have accused anglophone separatist­s of carrying out the kidnapping­s, but a separatist spokesman has denied involvemen­t.

On Monday, Fonki described how another 11 children were taken by the same armed group on October 31, then released after their school paid a ransom of 2.5mn CFA francs ($4,400).

The secessioni­sts have imposed curfews and closed schools as part of their protest against Biya’s French-speaking government and its perceived marginalis­ation of the Englishspe­aking minority.

The government has denied discrimina­ting against them.

Cameroon’s separatist movement turned violent in 2017 after a government crackdown on initially peaceful demonstrat­ions by English-speakers.

The linguistic divide is a legacy of a former German colony in central Africa that was divided between allies France and Britain at the end of World War I.

The latest kidnapping, which recalled the 2014 abduction of more than 200 girls by militant group Boko Haram in Chibok in neighbouri­ng Nigeria, was criticised by human rights groups.

 ??  ?? School children who were kidnapped by armed men are pictured after they were released, at a governor’s office in Bamenda, Cameroon yesterday.
School children who were kidnapped by armed men are pictured after they were released, at a governor’s office in Bamenda, Cameroon yesterday.

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