Gulf Times - Gulf Times Sport



Premier League clubs will be given the chance to scrap VAR from next season when they vote on the controvers­ial review system at their annual general meeting next month. Wolves have submitted a resolution to abolish VAR to the Premier League, triggering a vote of the top flight’s 20 teams on

June 6. The Molineux club said VAR is “underminin­g the value of the Premier League brand” after another season marred by a host of debatable decisions.

In order for VAR to be axed by the

Premier League, 14 of the 20 clubs will have to vote against it.

Wolves are expected to canvas other clubs in order to gain support before the meeting.

VAR was introduced in the Premier League in 2019 with the aim of helping referees avoid clear and obvious errors that had marred matches in the past.

But there have been numerous controvers­ies surroundin­g the technology this season as Premier League managers and fans grow increasing­ly vocal in their disdain for the system. “The introducti­on of VAR in 2019/20 was a decision made in good faith and with the best interests of football and the Premier League at its heart,” a Wolves statement said.

“However, it has led to numerous unintended negative consequenc­es that are damaging the relationsh­ip between fans and football, and underminin­g the value of the Premier League brand.

“The decision to table the resolution has come after careful considerat­ion and with the utmost respect for the Premier League, PGMOL and our fellow competitor­s. “Our position is that the price we are paying for a small increase in accuracy is at odds with the spirit of our game, and as a result we should remove it from the 2024/25 season onwards.”

Wolves boss Gary O’Neil revealed he has regularly received apologetic phone calls from Profession­al Game Match Officials Limited (PGMOL) chief Howard Webb after VAR decisions that went against his team.

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