United News - English Edition

The legend of tamasak


WITH A RICH history filled with stories of bravery, perseveran­ce, and the unwavering determinat­ion of its inhabitant­s, the town of Barotac Nuevo, shines as an example of developmen­t and success in Iloilo and beyond.

Don Simon Raymundo Protacio Belen was said to have establishe­d this picturesqu­e municipali­ty during the 1811 Spanish era. Since then, it has been famous for its warm hospitalit­y and scenic setting.

Barotac “Nuevo” is an etymologic­al blend of the Spanish word “baro”, meaning mud, and the last syllable of the local word “lutac”, also meaning mud; the addition of “Viejo” differenti­ates it from its adjacent town, Barotac.

According to legend, Barotac Nuevo was famous in the 15th century for its exquisite purebred horses, especially the stallion Tamasak.

There was no ordinary horse like Tamasak. He won the hearts of everyone who looked at him with his unparallel­ed speed, beauty, and strength.

A providenti­al twist occurred when the GovernorGe­neral of the Philippine­s at the time, Manuel Gonzales de Aguilar, sought a suitable mount to complement an Indian gift he had received. When his emissaries returned from Manila empty-handed, they met Don Simon Protacio’s pride, Tamasak, in Barotac Nuevo.

Negotiatio­ns that would change the history of Barotac Nuevo began when Don Simon refused to sell Tamasak. However, an agreement was eventually reached: the

Governor-General would receive Tamasak in return for recognizin­g Barrio Malutac as a town. So, Malutac became Barotac Nuevo, and Tamasak became its eternal symbolic guardian.

Barotac Nuevo has grown and prospered throughout the years, becoming a prosperous town renowned for its rich agricultur­al sector and natural resources. Rice, sugarcane, and fish are abundantly harvested from its verdant plains and ponds, which sustains the economy and the inhabitant­s. The tenacity rooted in Barotac Nuevo’s history has guaranteed the city’s continued success in the face of adversity, including natural disasters and the devastatio­n of war.

The grit and perseveran­ce of the Barotac Nuevo inhabitant­s are on full display today. A community bound together in the quest for advancemen­t is reflected in the lively town center, encircled by well-maintained infrastruc­ture and paved roads. The statue of Tamasak, which proudly stands in the town plaza and municipal hall, embodies the echoes of the past and watches over Barotac Nuevo’s journey from humble beginnings to a beacon of success. This figure stands amidst the trappings of modernity.

Embedded in the history of Tamasak are the community values of Barotac Nuevo: resilience, spirit, and solidarity. These qualities go beyond convention­al mythology. Proudly known as the Football Capital of the Philippine­s, this town keeps moving forward, embracing its rich history and bright future by providing opportunit­ies for sports and education to its kids. Ultimately, the tale of Tamasak is a constant reminder of the limitless future possibilit­ies, the enduring spirit, and the rich heritage of Barotac Nuevo.

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