The Philippine Star

Davao cement maker gets perks for project


The Cabinet-level Fiscal Incentives Review Board (FIRB) has approved the grant of incentives to a Davao del Sur-based cement maker that is expected to contribute in the infrastruc­ture buildup in Mindanao.

The FIRB, upon the recommenda­tion of the Board of Investment­s (BOI), awarded perks to a proposed P10-billion cement manufactur­ing project in Davao del Sur.

The project is estimated to produce about 50.4 million bags of cement a year, boosting the supply of the constructi­on material in aid of Mindanao’s growing requiremen­ts for its infrastruc­ture works.

The FIRB granted two years of income tax holiday and five years of enhanced deductions to the cement maker. Further, the project gets duty exemption for its importatio­n of capital equipment, raw materials, spare parts and other accessorie­s needed to put up the cement plant.

Trade Secretary and FIRB co-chairman Ramon Lopez said the board approved the provision of incentives in support of the government’s effort to reduce dependence on cement importatio­n. He added the project could contribute in boosting domestic supply and steadying market prices of cement at this time when the government is embarking on an infrastruc­ture program.

Lopez said the cement manufactur­er is expected to generate jobs and stimulate business activities in the area where it will be situated.

The cement maker eyes commercial operations by July in Sta. Cruz, a first class municipali­ty in Davao del Sur.

Finance assistant secretary and FIRB secretaria­t head Juvy Danofrata said the project would open up forward linkages in the site and promote the use of energyeffi­cient equipment. In turn, the municipali­ty stands to gain from the transfer of knowledge and improvemen­t in productivi­ty.

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