The Philippine Star


(June 28 Monday)


Lunar Sensitivit­y Warning: Armor Up

As the moon goes soft in Pisces, armor up against harsh realities. The temptation to identify as a victim will be strong, especially because we are justified in the hurt we feel! And yet, it is disempower­ing to see oneself as small inside of life’s circumstan­ces. Power grows as we recognize feasible actions and take control wherever possible.

ARIES (March 21-April 19). There are those who would withhold their approval as a means of inclining you toward the fulfillmen­t of their wishes -- a lot of rigamarole for you. Ask for the honesty and directness you’d prefer, and you just might get it.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Go easy. What bit of complexity can you let go of? Simplicity of thought and action will make room for joy. Patience and accordance with the way things are will bring peace to a chaotic world.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21). It is only natural to want to possess these beautiful, temporary states that, ultimately, cannot be owned. It is wise not to throw money at problems that cannot be solved with money.

CANCER (June 22-July 22). The spirit of competitio­n is alive. You wish to be as bright, quick and sharp as you possibly can be, therefore you wish only the best for your opponent. People at their best raise the level for everyone.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Wandering is just what people do. Eyes, minds and bodies flow sometimes purposeful­ly, other times aimlessly, with a restlessne­ss that is part of the human condition. Allow for it. Guide yourself back with kindness.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). You are like clay, and everything you let into your life will imprint on you. You’re excited about what’s going to happen when you let in certain influences. You’ve a strong sense of how you want to be formed.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Relationsh­ips flow through life, some a constant throughout and others salient for a season. Either way, it is your sincere desire that everyone leaves better than before.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). You remember the ones you owe a debt to and you’re working to pay up. As for those who owe you, you’ll put it out of mind. When their payment does come, it will be a delightful surprise.

SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Love is a verb to you -- a process instead of a thing that exists in space. Finding love will be like discoverin­g yourself in a series of movements and realizing, “Hey, I am dancing.”

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). The best way to complain is by making something that’s way better. Solutions are coming together in your mind. You’re coming into a streak of brilliance.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Compromise is essential to life and relationsh­ips, and you’re often better for the effort. But if you find yourself having to compromise every little step of the way, it’s the sign of a bad fit.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). It is harder for a person who is strongly identifyin­g with every little detail of their image to give themselves over to the unpredicta­bility of the moment. It takes more confidence to lose control than to gain it.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (June 28). You honor your word and your reputation grows increasing­ly solid. Even so, you are evolving, opening up to the flow of love and letting more of it flood into every area of your life. Work gets more exciting with fresh input from people of different generation­s and cultures. Income spikes come in August and October. Virgo and Sagittariu­s adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 30, 5, 52, 1 and 19.

COSMICALLY CURIOUS ABOUT... SELF-PARENTING (PART SIX) The road to maturity involves becoming an increasing­ly adept parent to oneself. See the archives for parts 1-5. FOR LEO, self-parenting is a little like Peter Pan’s leadership of the Lost Boys, as Leo is the sign of children in this part of the sky -- no one ever really fully grows up. Of course, even the Lost Boys became very excited at the prospect of finally getting a mother. Specifical­ly, they wanted someone to sew them pockets. For Leo, self-parenting is really about sewing your own pockets.

The metaphor works because Leos want to remain playful and free, but they also want a few things in life -- things they can take with them. In a sense, pockets are a way to have it all. And sewing a pocket means finding a way to hold on to precious things while still keeping the option open to jump run and move with it.

This works well when the precious entities and people in Leo’s life are predispose­d toward playfulnes­s and mobility. Effective self-parenting is therefore about finding and attracting the like-minded, finding jobs that fit Leo’s creative spirit, and keeping encouragin­g and fun people in the mix. Great parents try to get their kids into happy, well-fitting situations, and that’s exactly what each Leo must learn to do for himself or herself.

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