The Philippine Star

With a song in her Heart

In 2015, Mrs. Chiz Escudero did a song called Breathe You. She’s now ready to let the world listen to it.


A song that Heart Evangelist­a has kept for 15 years will finally regale the world when it is launched tomorrow, Oct. 27, a pre-recorded single called Breathe You.

Heart shared that it was in 2005 that she first embraced her freedom and described the feeling through a song. For sure, the song will warm the cockles of the “heart” of her husband, former Sen./Sorsogon Gov. Chiz Escudero.

Under a distributi­on deal with GMA Music, Breathe You might not be the only song Heart is sharing with the world. Take a deep breath, Heart, and keep them coming!

She opened her heart some more in an exclusive interview with Funfare.

Who wrote the song and what is it all about?

“It’s a compositio­n of Jude Thaddeus Gitamondoc (Cebu-based songwriter and VisPop proponent). The song is chill. The song reminds me of that time I just turned 21. I just found my independen­ce. That was a really good chapter of my life.” Kanino mo dedicated yung song? “I would dedicate this to Chiz. During this pandemic, he has taken care of me and he’s really been there for me. This song is also for everyone. It’s very timely and it sends the message of the total freedom of loving someone and just enjoying the moment.”

At 21, what were your thoughts, your feelings and expectatio­ns?

“I had no expectatio­ns of life at that time. I just remembered being free from all of my inhibition­s and I felt like the world was mine to conquer.”

Why did it take you so long to have it released?

“I just had to set it aside before. But during this quarantine while I was fixing my stuff, my treasure boxes, I saw this CD and I listened to it. I remember that this is still one of my favorite songs and I never got to release it.”

Did you make any improvemen­ts on the song?

“No, I didn’t. It’s still the same as how it was recorded in 2005.”

If you were to write a song for Chiz, how would it sound?

“I guess it would sound just the same. I have a very chill personalit­y. I’m very energetic but when I listen to music, I like the chill kind. I like to paint while listening to music. I like talking to Chiz while listening to music. It would be more or less the same breezy, peaceful kind of song. There’s some sense of contentmen­t you feel with the song and that’s how I feel with Chiz.”

By the way, do you and Chiz have a theme song, something that you love to sing together at bedtime?

“Not at bedtime because we’re both so tired whenever we go to sleep but it would really be Love Will Keep Us Alive. We like listening to that song. Actually, every time we go to Sorsogon, we always play that song.”

How has life been during this pandemic? How often do you go to Sorsogon and how is life there?

“Life in Sorsogon is amazing. It’s very laid back and it’s really a break from the pressure of work that we all do online. It’s really such a refreshing trip every time I go there. I probably stay for a month before I come back here in Manila but I stay here longer in Manila because I have a lot of work. I also take time to isolate myself before I go back. I try to visit Sorsogon as often as possible but lately, because of work, I decided to just stay here.” What keeps you busy these days? “I’m blessed with my work. Thank you, God! Now is also the time I discover new things about myself. Just being creative and talking to different people. It’s pretty interestin­g that we haven’t traveled and gone to Paris Fashion Week. But because of what happened, you kind of have a more intimate relationsh­ip with brands and designers abroad and you get to talk to them through Zoom. That keeps me busy these days.”

Do you have time to look back at Heart Evangelist­a when she was 21?

“I remember at 21, I didn’t know what to do with my life. I just knew that I was extremely happy and free and I’m seeing the world slowly. I remember recording that song because I really had good people around me during the time. I just listen to the song and I remember myself as a 21year-old girl who is very naïve about the world, who thought everything was a fairy tale. It’s really refreshing to remember how I was back then.”

(Note: Breathe You will be available for streaming starting tomorrow, Oct. 27, on Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube Music and across other digital platforms worldwide.)

(E-mail reactions at rickylophi­lstar@ For more updates, photos and videos, visit or follow me on Instagram @therealric­kylo.)

Mercury Eschews Mysticism The individual mushrooms growing in a circle is a symmetrica­l coincidenc­e historical­ly attributed to fairies -- that is until the botanists pointed out how the mushrooms are the fruit body of a central mycelium deep undergroun­d. The mysticism melts away, but the wonder continues. And so it goes with many ideas as Mercury leaves Scorpio.

ARIES (March 21-April 19). Your work will be elevated not by doing more of it, nor by doing it better, but by giving it better packaging and positionin­g it in the world so as to help people understand why what you do is important.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You have that mysterious quality that is difficult to describe, but people know it when they see it. They are attracted. It’s about confidence but also vulnerabil­ity. It takes a lot of confidence to be vulnerable.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You’re in a position to state the facts. That’s what’s being asked of you. Some facts are more comfortabl­e to state than others, but don’t let that get in the way of saying the truth.

CANCER (June 22-July 22). You’re never completely in charge of who’s in your world or what they do there. You’ll give of yourself and the gift gets redistribu­ted to the ones who need you most.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Your intuition will come in the form of a wish. There’s something that seems just right for you, and as you send your wish out to the universe you are also attracting it with your powerful heart magnet.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). You process and appreciate life with the heart of an artist, and you’ll turn your experience­s into something tangible so that others can be delighted as well.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). A distractio­n-free block of time seems like a real luxury these days, though it’s a luxury that you could, with a little planning, have more often. This is the first in a string of ultra-productive days.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Instead of judging things as wrong or right, try thinking more in terms of “for me” and “not for me.” This frees up energy, as it requires much less thought, as you sense immediatel­y which category things fall into.

SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). You will not be dealing with psychics today, and this may explain why people won’t know what you want or how to treat you until you tell them. Your clear, verbal communicat­ion will open doors.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). You decide what counts as an accomplish­ment. It’s not for other people to tell you. If you did something small and strange that you’re none-the-less proud of, that counts. Scale doesn’t always match significan­ce.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Institutio­ns that support collectivi­st values survive on the sacrifice of individual­ity for the good of the group. Individual deviance from the group-focus will be suppressed. It’s nothing personal; it’s just how these things work.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). You are connected to others in ways beyond comprehens­ion. You don’t mean for people to be overly influenced by your actions but, nonetheles­s, what you do today will cause a chain reaction.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Oct. 26). Like a ship making its way out of the fog, you are constantly moving toward greater clarity. Throughout this solar orbit, you will see those bright horizons and have success on distant shores. A financial boon provides the seed money for a daring venture. Networking and new relationsh­ips flourish in 2021. Aries and Taurus adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 8, 40, 44, 1 and 16.

COSMIC QUESTION: “I see geometry when I close my eyes, and I also see it sometimes when my eyes are open. It’s like I’m hallucinat­ing, but I have never taken any sort of drug that would induce that. Is this tied to a spiritual calling? Am I seeing actual beings? It doesn’t bother me. It is a noninvasiv­e experience, and I hardly ever tell anyone about it. Also, these visions (or whatever) come with absolutely no message, meaning or feeling. They just are! What do you make of it?”

I’m so happy you asked because I also see such things and, like you, have no experience with hallucinog­ens. I have heard from various gurus (Stuart Wilde comes to mind) of sightings of “sacred geometry,” though the plant Ayahuasca was also mentioned. It was not until very recently when I came across a study of the hallucinat­ory effects of strobe lights (which can cause fractal hallucinat­ions as well as epileptic seizures) that I had ever heard of such visions being attributed to something other than drugs or spirituali­ty. Perhaps an eye doctor would have a better explanatio­n as to this strange phenomenon of perception. The important thing is that, like any other sensation, impression and experience you have in life, you get to say what it means or doesn’t mean to you.

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 ??  ?? Heart Evangelist­a-Escudero visits Sorsogon as often as possible. During one of her visits, she helps promote the province’s cottage industry. — Photos courtesy of Heart Evanglista and GMA 7
Heart Evangelist­a-Escudero visits Sorsogon as often as possible. During one of her visits, she helps promote the province’s cottage industry. — Photos courtesy of Heart Evanglista and GMA 7
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