The Philippine Star

Rotarians be proud of your 100 years


(The Centennial Chorale Competitio­n on June 21,2019 at the Philippine Internatio­nal Convention Center)

How can we teach the youth that there is great satisfacti­on in doing service to others, that there is value in goodness, that in charity a person gains genuine wealth? What a rare fortune we had to learn these lessons for being Rotarians. Since the founding of the Rotary Club of Manila in 1919, and the great movement of Rotarian light it had fired after that, we Rotarians, the living receiving the torch from those who had gone beyond, joined hands and spirit a century hence, to help victims of calamities, extended financial support to poor students in their studies, organized and contribute­d for such causes to protect the environmen­t, ensure the health of the young, fed the hungry and helped the disabled.

We have proven in the last one hundred years of the Rotary Club of Manila and the Rotary Movement in the Philippine­s that rendering service to others elevates and ennobles the soul more than any kind of prestige, power, or possession achieved or accumulate­d in the course of one’s life.

Yet, there is one more thing that a true Rotarian must contemplat­e and commit himself when he sees his image in front of the mirror every day before he ventures out – that personal satisfacti­on is not enough, he must be a teacher to the youth about service, goodness from being true and fair, charity for others and sharing one’s fortune, goodwill and friendship. He must not only explain with words, or demonstrat­e with examples, but be a truly great teacher, one who inspires.

To find a way to teach in a grand manner, on a platform that could be national in scope, sustainabl­e so that the lessons instilled seep into the consciousn­ess of the Filipino youth, the Rotary Club of Manila joined forces with the Department of Education to hold a nationwide Centennial Chorale Competitio­n, culminatin­g on June 21, 2019 at the PICC, a rendition of the winning piece of the song writing contest opened to junior high school students, so that they will imbibe the Rotarian spirit, inspire them to sing, wherever they find themselves, whether in their classrooms or in the canteen or under the shade of trees, or in the workplace, an original song they proudly composed that captures their vision of a better world inspired by the Rotary experience of service for the last one hundred years. It will be their anthem to their willingnes­s to receive the torch of Rotary for another century.

The youth did not disappoint. In their winning song, the youth paid tribute to Rotary, in this romantic and touching stanza: “Formed from the vision to serve those who are in need Rotary Club you give hope to all by your overflowin­g kindness build lives of lost, you empower and inspire!

Fellow Rotarians you passed the test. We invite all Rotarians to join together on June 21, 2019 at the PICC to celebrate and Be Proud of our One Hundred Years!

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