The Philippine Star

Philippine Gardens

(A special section on flowers and ornamental plants)


Interest in Birdsnest Aspleniums has been around for many decades. During the 60’s they were using the Asplenium musaefoliu­ms as a back draft for fashion Photo shoots. The models are even made to stand in the middle of giant Aspleniums.

The interest in Aspleniums was sustained during the 70’s with the introducti­on of new biotype of Asplenium musaefoliu­m by Ely Bardenas, a landscaper. He called it “Silver Wings”. About the same time, the plant collectors started collecting furcata forms of Asplenium colubrinum­s (Pakpaklawi­ng lalaki). Some gatherers grew them to spore-forming size and the sporelings popup allover their gardens. This resulted in the Philippine­s as the main source of furcata (Forking) Aspleniums to the fern world.

During the 80,s Ely Bardenas brought in the Asplenium nidus plicatum (Lasagnafor­m) from Vietnam. By 1999 the plant has won 3 times in different shows as Zipper fern.

During the start of the millennium, a gatherer collected a super plicated form of Asplenium australasi­cum from Cebu. The plant was in a very nice state and was being sold for Peso 350,000. The plant was not sold. The plant produced a small amount of spores, and on a dare was subject to a challenge to propagate from spores. A small amount of spores was extracted before the proud owner. That started the interest in fern propagatio­n in the Philippine­s.

The Asplenium australasi­cum “Philippine Cobra” has since been a favorite among the fern growers because of its very attractive lasagna-form placations. This was followed by several forms of Asplenium musaefoliu­m plicatum lasagnafor­ms from miniatures to medium and giants.

Prices of collectibl­e plants including ferns drop few years after the first product is launched. A lot of growers wanted the lasagna ferns are waiting for the price to drop.

It never did. The interest in the plant has grown so fast that production has not caught up.

Other varieties of lasagnafor­m Aspleniums started coming into the market. This will keep up the interest in lasagna Aspleniums through the next decade.

 ??  ?? Asplenium australasi­cum plicatum lasagnafor­m cv. Philippine Cobra
Asplenium australasi­cum plicatum lasagnafor­m cv. Philippine Cobra
 ??  ?? Asplenium musaefoliu­m plicatum lasagnafor­m cv. Leyte Cobra
Asplenium musaefoliu­m plicatum lasagnafor­m cv. Leyte Cobra
 ??  ?? Asplenium antiquum plicatum cv. Osaka
Asplenium antiquum plicatum cv. Osaka
 ??  ?? Asplenium australasi­cum plicatum lasagnafor­m cv. Thai Cobra
Asplenium australasi­cum plicatum lasagnafor­m cv. Thai Cobra
 ??  ?? Asplenium nidus plicatum lasagnafor­m cv. Corkscrew
Asplenium nidus plicatum lasagnafor­m cv. Corkscrew

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