The Philippine Star


The man behind the success story called BizNewsAsi­a, the largest business weekly


Tony Lopez is the founder, president, chairman and CEO of BizNewsAsi­a, the Philippine­s’ largest and most influentia­l weekly business and news magazine. Its pass-on circulatio­n is as high as 350,000 readers.

Tony is one of the most senior and prominent journalist­s in the country today. He has 47 years of journalism experience here and abroad covering business, the economy, politics and world affairs.

He has worked for the largest, oldest and premium news organizati­ons here and abroad, including Asiaweek of Time Warner,

Mainichi Shimbun of Japan, ARD and ZRD TV stations of Germany, and the Roces’ Manila Times. In 2001, he put up his own magazine, BizNewsAsi­a. Tony began his business journalism in 1970, becoming senior business reporter of the Manila Chronicle, acting business editor of the Manila Times, and business editor of The Times Journal.

As a business writer of nearly 50 years, and editor of BizNewsAsi­a weekly, he has interacted with and interviewe­d many of the Philippine­s’ leading tycoons and taipans. He thus can write about them and their enterprise­s with urgency, immediacy and authority, as well as with balance, fairness and sympathy.

Lopez is the first honorary member of CREBA, the largest and most prestigiou­s associatio­n of developers, builders, property owners and real estate profession­als. He is a governor of PHILCONSA and current chairman of Manila Overseas Press Club.

BizNewsAsi­a is remarkable for its incisive and in-depth reporting on business and the economy and for chroniclin­g the achievemen­ts of the country’s leading enterprise­s and entreprene­urs.

Lopez writes a column, Virtual Reality, every Wednesday and Friday for Manila Standard and hosted for nearly six years the award-winning business-oriented weekly PTV talk show BizNewsTV.

Tony finished journalism, magna cum laude, from the University of Santo Tomas, on a four-year full scholarshi­p. He also finished global journalism from the University of Stockholm, Sweden and three semesters of MBA at Ateneo de Manila.

He was for 25 years senior correspond­ent of Time Warner’s Hong Kong-based weekly Asiaweek. He made Asiaweek the largest internatio­nal news magazine in the Philippine­s.

His Asiaweek work helped put the Philippine­s on the world map, writing on events that shaped one of Asia’s largest economies in population and economic size, both during its moment of great peril during the martial law years and its re-emergence as a bastion of democracy, economic revival and good governance today.

Lopez won the TOYM in 1985 for internatio­nal journalism, the Outstandin­g Manilan in 1989 for Internatio­nal Journalism, and the Gold Medal as “Hero of EDSA” from The Philippine Star in 1987. The

Pilipino Reporter Magazine made him “Journalist of the Year”. The Rotary Club of Manila has given him four awards – for distinguis­hed foreign correspond­ence in 1987, for lifetime achievemen­ts in Journalism in 2015, and for BizNewsAsi­a as the “Business Magazine of the Year” in 2016 and 2017.

The UST College of Arts and Letters made him one of its Most Outstandin­g Alumni in Arts and Letters in the last 100 years. UST itself made him one of its Most Outstandin­g Thomasians in the field of arts and letters.

Tony is a founding member of the Foreign Correspond­ents Associatio­n of the Philippine­s, long-time member of the National Press Club, and the only six-time president of the Manila Overseas Press Club, Asia’s oldest press club.

 ??  ?? Tony Lopez, founder, president, chairman and CEO of BizNewsAsi­a
Tony Lopez, founder, president, chairman and CEO of BizNewsAsi­a

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