The Philippine Star

St. Patrick’s Parade organizers to let gay vets march


BOSTON (AP) — Organizers of the city’s St. Patrick’s Day parade reversed course on Friday and said they would allow a group of gay veterans to march in this year’s parade.

The South Boston Allied War Veterans Council announced on the parade’s Twitter account that it had signed an “acceptance letter” that would clear the way for OutVets to participat­e.

A lawyer for OutVets said that the group looked forward to “marching proudly’’ and representi­ng LGBTQ veterans.

“We are honored and humbled by all the outpouring of support that has been displayed for our LGBTQ veterans – who are one of the most unrepresen­ted demographi­cs in our veterans community,’’ said lawyer Dee Dee Edmondson.

An earlier vote by the council to bar OutVets from marching drew immediate condemnati­on from highprofil­e politician­s, some of whom said they would not march if the gay veterans were excluded. It caused some sponsors to back out and stirred up a furor on social media.

South Boston Allied War Veterans Council member Edward Flynn said he was proud the group invited OutVets to be part of the parade. “South Boston is an inclusive community, and with this developmen­t, we are one step closer to a parade that reflects that spirit,’’ he said.

It was unclear if the reversal of the decision was a result of a second vote by the council.

“I decided this is a wrong that has to be corrected,’’ the parade’s lead organizer, Tim Duross, told WHDHTV.

 ?? AP ?? File photo shows members of OutVets, a group of gay military veterans, marching in the annual St. Patrick’s Day parade in the South Boston neighborho­od.
AP File photo shows members of OutVets, a group of gay military veterans, marching in the annual St. Patrick’s Day parade in the South Boston neighborho­od.

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