The Philippine Star

‘Dynasty,’ the Nicaragua version


A decade ago, President Daniel Ortega of Nicaragua made a startling comeback by persuading voters to give him a second shot at running the country. It was a hard-fought victory for the former guerrilla leader, coming after three electoral defeats.

This November’s presidenti­al election, however, won’t be a democratic exercise. Drawing relatively little internatio­nal scrutiny, Mr. Ortega has worked in recent years to consolidat­e power by building a vast network of patronage and vanquishin­g the political opposition.

Last Friday, 28 opposition lawmakers were dismissed from office as a result of a ruling by Nicaragua’s Supreme Court, which is packed with his loyalists. This week, Mr. Ortega announced that his wife, Rosario Murillo, who has long served as the government’s spokeswoma­n, would be his vice-presidenti­al running mate in the coming election, the clearest sign that they intend to establish an authoritar­ian dynasty.

Mr. Ortega’s dominance in Nicaragua stands in stark contrast to the fate of other leftist government­s that rose to power in the last decade. The appeal of leftist leaders in Bolivia, Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina and Ecuador has ebbed as the commoditie­s boom that enabled them to dole out generous social benefits crashed, bringing the mismanagem­ent and corruption of their government­s into sharp focus.

Mr. Ortega and his wife have been at the center of Nicaragua’s turbulent history for decades. They were members of the Sandinista National Liberation Front, a leftist rebel group that overthrew the Somoza family, which ran the country dictatoria­lly from the 1930s to 1979. Mr. Ortega became president in 1984 in an election that internatio­nal monitors called the nation’s first credible vote. His bid for re-election in 1990 failed, in large part because of allegation­s of corruption.

After Mr. Ortega won the election in 2006, he moved swiftly to overhaul the country’s political structure. The Sandinista party disqualifi­ed rivals from running in municipal elections in 2008 and has since used a combinatio­n of financial incentives and arbitrary legal cases to co-opt segments of the opposition and sideline the rest.

Mr. Ortega packed the courts and the National Assembly with allies, which paved the way for a 2014 legislativ­e change that allows the president to run indefinite­ly for five-year terms. Ms. Murillo, meanwhile, has become a highly visible public figure with a daily radio show, and personally awards land titles and other benefits to Nicaraguan­s.

Under Mr. Ortega, 70, the country’s tiny economy has grown. And he has managed to work closely with internatio­nal donors, foreign investors and the private sector, all while collecting financial aid from Venezuela. Nicaragua, which has a vast police force that keeps close tabs on its citizens, has also remained safer than three of its northern neighbors, Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala. Gangs and violent drug traffickin­g has caused tens of thousands of

people from those nations to flee to the United States in recent years.

The country’s relative security is no reason to tolerate repression and authoritar­ianism. Genuine political competitio­n and a free press are necessary cures to the corruption and inefficien­cy that so often corrode authoritar­ian systems. The course of Mr. Ortega’s own political history should serve as reminder that overthrowi­ng a government can be the citizens’ response when all other avenues for dissent are shut.

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