The Philippine Star

Heal our land


With the election dust settling, the wind of divisivene­ss blown away – resounding­ly, courageous­ly the people have spoken! President Rody’s victory is a precedent in many ways: With no sophistica­ted political machinery, his supporters manned and protected their votes. He is the first-ever president-elect from Mindanao, courtesy of the Mindanaoan­s who gave it all to him, and even Metro Manila. He was a far cry from the prim, proper, eloquent, well-mannered presidenti­al candidates of years past. The firm-absolute-commitment by his supporters helped him ride over the grave charges and serious allegation­s thrown his way – and defied all calls by various organizati­ons, even by the religious sectors, to junk him! With open minds, hearts and arms, his supporters embraced him tightly… never mind his rude-tactless oftentimes-punctuated-by- expletives utterances, and flawed character.

The day of reckoning has come! The people delivered their judgment and verdict with a strong message: That the Filipinos known for being patient, too patient and forgiving even, pliant like a bamboo … have their limits. When pushed to the walls, their pleas and sufferings ignored for long, they fight back and how! This election had the highest voter turnout in our election history, as the supporters of Pres. Rody came out in full force!

From this highly-divisive election, some glaring lessons must be learned and digested by our leaders: That when Filipinos band together, flex their muscles, consolidat­e their strength, they can put to power their chosen one, whom they perceive, think and believe will emancipate them from long neglect, ineptitude and maladminis­tration. That no political machinery – no matter how well-oiled and fully supported by a president – can block the way to usher in their chosen one to victory!

As the new FATHER of our beloved Motherland, pray fervently that as the people have expressed their supreme will for Pres. Rody to lead us, he will put the people’s interest and welfare, supreme above all else… at all times! To be true to his promises – the reasons he was bestowed the highest position of the land, which he himself never imagined could actually happen to him. To serve with all his heart, mind and might our country and people. To be an inspiring, role model leader for people to follow willingly, not in fear. To adhere to our once-lost-and-regained-most-cherished democratic values, and NOT declare a revolution­ary government!

As we put behind the divisivene­ss this unpreceden­ted election spawned, we hope Pres. Rody will appoint people with proven competence, dedication, trustworth­iness, expertise on their assigned positions. Not to appoint leaders of his political party at the helm of a vital agency like DOTC – as no one can serve two masters at the same time: party and people. To appoint people who will genuinely and expertly serve, and leave a legacy for which people shall remember this administra­tion positively and gratefully.

We pray that the Almighty God will help, bless, lead and support Pres. Rody in leading our beloved land and our eagerly-hopeful-for- uplifting-change Kababayans … to a better, inclusivel­y progressiv­e, peaceful Philippine­s. President Rody’s success is our success!

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