The Philippine Star

Hundreds dead at hajj stampede

- – Reuters, Pia Lee-Brago

MINA, Saudi Arabia – At least 717 pilgrims were killed yesterday in a crush at Mina, outside the Muslim holy city of Mecca, where some two million people are performing the annual hajj pilgrimage, Saudi authoritie­s said.

At least 863 others were injured in the stampede, which took place on Street 204 of the camp city at Mina, a few kilometers east of Mecca, where pilgrims stay for several days during the climax of the hajj.

The Department of Foreign Affairs ( DFA) said no Filipino was reported hurt in the stampede.

Citing a report of the Philippine embassy in Riyadh, Foreign Affairs spokesman Charles Jose said “there are so far no reports of Filipinos involved in the stampede but they were still confirming with all the hajj groups.”

The pilgrimage, the world’s largest annual gathering of people, has been the scene of deadly disasters in the past, including stampedes, tent fires and riots.

Safety during hajj is a politicall­y sensitive issue for the kingdom’s ruling Al Saud dynasty, which presents itself internatio­nally as the guardians of orthodox Islam and custodians of its holiest places in Mecca and Medina.

The government has spent billions of dollars upgrading and expanding hajj infrastruc­ture and crowd control technology in recent years, and the last big deadly incident took place in 2006 when at least 346 pilgrims died in a stampede.

Street 204 is one of the two main arteries leading through the camp at Mina to Jamarat, where pilgrims ritually stone the devil by hurling pebbles at three large pillars. Jamarat was also the site of the 2006 disaster and several other past ones.

An Arab pilgrim who did not want to give his name said he had hoped to perform the stoning ritual later on Thursday afternoon but was now too frightened to risk doing so.

“I am very tired already and after this I can’t go. I will wait for the night and if it not resolved, I will see if maybe somebody else can do it on my behalf,” he said.

Reporters in another part of Mina said they could hear police and ambulance sirens, but that roads leading to the site of the disaster had been blocked.


Photograph­s published on the Twitter feed of the Saudi civil defense showed pilgrims lying on stretchers while emergency workers in high-visibility jackets lifted them into an ambulance.

It said more than 220 ambulances and 4,000 rescue workers had been sent to the stampede’s location to help the injured.

Saudi-owned Al-Arabiya television channel showed a convoy of ambulances driving through the Mina camp.

“Work is underway to separate large groups of people and direct pilgrims to alternativ­e routes,” the Saudi Civil Defense said on its Twitter account.

Efforts to improve safety at Jamarat have included enlarging the three pillars and constructi­ng a triple-decker bridge around them to increase the area and number of entry and exit points for pilgrims to perform the ritual.

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