The Philippine Star

BOC tags 5 firms in illegal rice trade


At least 200,000 metric tons of rice were illegally imported into the country last year with about percent of that allegedly consigned to only five importers, Bureau of Customs (BOC) Commission­er John Sevilla revealed yesterday.

Sevilla said data from the National Food Au- thority (NFA) showed the 200,000 metric tons of rice was imported without the re uired import permit, which far surpassed the estimated ,000 MT of legally imported rice.

Sevilla identified the five rice importers as Silent Royalty Marketing,

Bold Bidder Marketing and General Merchandis­e, Starcraft Internatio­nal Trading, Inter-Continenta­l Gains and Medaglia de Oro Trading.

These five firms reportedly accounted for 75 percent or 150,000 MT of rice that were brought into the country via the Port of Manila and the Manila Internatio­nal Container Port without import permits.

Sevilla added the remaining 25 percent of illegal rice importatio­ns passed through the ports of Cebu, Davao, Cagayan de Oro and he sub-port of Mindanao Container Terminal in Phividec, Tagoloan and Misamis Oriental.

Coincident­ally, the BOC identified them as the top rice importers for year 2013, next to the NFA.

Starcraft was previously mentioned in the investigat­ion of suspected rice smuggler Davidson Bangayan, who is reportedly also known as David Tan.

“So internally what we are looking for is how this happened when the law and procedure (on importatio­ns) have been clear. Were there fake import permits? Did they recycle the import permits?” Sevilla asked.

They also noticed that the bulk of the rice importatio­ns without import permits took place around October, before the alert orders were issued and some two months before the BOC started receiving court injunction­s.

These occurred during the second week of December when the courts ordered the release of the seized rice shipments.

They have so far received five court injunction­s with the expectatio­n of two more because there are pending petitions for injunction, Sevilla said.

The importers Starcraft, Bold Bidder and Silent Royalty were among those who filed an injunction case against the BOC.

Since the BOC does not blacklist importers under investigat­ion, they would just place the five firms’ future shipments under alert if these fall under the category of illegal import.

At the moment, Sevilla said they are concentrat­ing efforts on looking into the activities of their own BOC personnel, specifical­ly the assessors and examiners who processed the release of questionab­le cargo.

Customs deputy commission­er for Intelligen­ce Group (IG) Jesse Dellosa is reportedly in charge of investigat­ing the transactio­n of 18 examiners and assessors.

Dellosa said the 18 would remain in their posts during the course of the investigat­ion.

In the case of Silent Royalty, the NFA said it has not issued even a single import permit to the firm.

“So we are backtracki­ng on our records and determinin­g how many shipments came in for Silent Royalty. Who cleared the release? Did they present an import permit to the BOC employee? Can we see that import permit? Was it fake?” Sevilla said.

Legal question

The Department of Justice (DOJ) has raised a legal question on the quantitati­ve restrictio­ns (QR) on rice imports.

In a 12-page confidenti­al legal opinion, Justice Secretary Leila de Lima said the NFA has no power to extend the imposition of QR following the expiration of the government’s commitment to the World Trade Organizati­on-General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade in June 2012.

While the agreement has expired, De Lima said it had provisions saying extension of the QR on agricultur­al products “shall only be by agreement after the conduct of negotiatio­ns.”

De Lima believes such provisions are binding.

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