The Philippine Star

My journey as a scientist


Motivating the desire to learn

My training in the scientific method was further developed when I entered graduate school at the National Institute of Molecular Biology and Microbiolo­gy (NIMBB) at UPD. Both my undergradu­ate and graduate education from the UP system extensivel­y required me to study different courses across various discipline­s. The need for continuous acquisitio­n of knowledge was instilled by the demands of my education starting when I was at the PSHS, and continued on to this day as a member of the faculty of the Institute of Biology, UPD. I think that while the cultivatio­n of creativity occurred at an early stage in my life, it was the continuous need to acquire new knowledge that helped me formulate hypotheses and gain insights on new scientific concepts. After all, the skill of “connecting the dots” is only valuable if the “dots” exist.

Acquiring tenacity and resilience

Between 1998 and 2004, while pursuing my masteral studies at UPD, I also worked as a research assistant at the Marine Science Institute (MSI) and as a visiting researcher at the Research Institute for Tropical Medicine (RITM). At that time, I was fortunate to be mentored by a very strongwill­ed woman who deeply instilled tenacity in my character when I started my career as a science researcher. To illustrate some of my experience­s wherein I later reaped the benefits of tenacity, I will share an incident that happened when I was an RA at the MSI.

During those years, the importatio­n of a certain biological material to the Philippine­s was a very stressful undertakin­g because it was very difficult to monitor where and when the biological shipment, which is a very temperatur­e-sensitive item, had arrived in the country. However, this did not deter my mentor to personally facilitate finding the package at the airport, retrieving it from the customs, and safely bringing it to the laboratory. However, while it had safely arrived at the MSI, we found out that the cancer cell line that we obtained was contaminat­ed with bacteria for unknown reasons and the thought of having to go through the process of importing again and finding ourselves in the same situation was quite daunting. Fortunatel­y, the imbued tenaciousn­ess that we acquired from our mentor dictated that I first make every effort to make things work before giving up. I then injected the cancer cell line in a laboratory mouse, which induced tumor formation, and at the same time via the mouse immune response, sterilized the bacterial infection. I then retrieved the tumor from the euthanized mouse, and used it to establish a primary culture of the cells that were originally imported. This undertakin­g resulted not only in recovering the cells successful­ly, but more importantl­y, it serendipit­ously led to the establishm­ent of a tumor model that facilitate­d subsequent in vivo studies on cancer research at the Institute. This is just one of the many occasions when I benefited from one of my mentors in helping me attain tenacity — the will to not give up easily, the resourcefu­lness to make things work in the face of difficulti­es, the perseveran­ce to achieve, and the discipline to continue to move on amid harsh conditions.

Related to tenacity is another equally important dispositio­n that I learned as a Ph.D. student at the Department of Microbiolo­gy, Immunology and Parasitolo­gy (MIP) at the LSUSHC — resilience. While tenacity is synonymous to firmness, resilience is synonymous to flexibilit­y. I learned that a delicate balance between these two seemingly opposite qualities is very important. In my experience of working in the laboratory, I found out that modular experiment­al designs offer flexibilit­y which allows me to adapt to the flow of the pieces of data that I generate. It helps to keep in mind that hypotheses are not meant to be proven, they are meant to be tested. Therefore, while tenacity is a very valuable trait in science experiment­s, I found that it is also very important to be able to recognize when it is time to give up, and be prepared to do so. In sum, tenacity guides me to be goal-oriented while resilience allows me to be mindful of the circumstan­ces around me and to adapt to these realities in order to achieve my goals.

I think that tenacity and resilience are very important traits to develop as we grow as scientists because survival in this profession sometimes entails being subjected to frustratio­ns and failures. In my experience, I find that one’s ability to rise above occasional failures is just as important as success itself. This is because in science, as in most things in life, failure is inevitable. But for tenacious and resilient individual­s, failure could be a rich source of knowledge. In fact, on numerous occasions in the laboratory, I have found that there is always value in learning from mistakes made during an experiment. Therefore, I greatly appreciate that my experience­s with many mentors helped me recognize the value of these two dispositio­ns in my line of work.

Training to develop an inclinatio­n

to be rigorous

In addition to tenacity and resilience, as a postdoctor­al fellow in the US, I was fortunate to be trained in an environmen­t that cultivates thoroughne­ss or rigor. For my postdoctor­al project, I worked on a research project with my husband, a very good scientist, who has a very critical mind. Because of his strong intellectu­al and mathematic­al rigor, I learned the skill of providing solid and multiple evidence for every observed biological phenomenon that I claim. During this time of my career as a science researcher, I was exposed to a very high demand of thinking accurately. This exposure developed my keen sense for logical consistenc­y and helped me to be meticulous in always considerin­g possible difference­s in the interpreta­tion of data, all of which I realized are a very important part of my training as a scientist.


I can conclude from my personal experience that an individual’s passion for science should be nurtured and sustained in order to make and keep science research an enjoyable task. A passionate scientist is usually a productive one. Also pertinent to my reflection­s is the realizatio­n that the first four traits — passion, creativity, being methodical, and the desire to learn — can be nurtured or taught early during one’s academic life. Therefore, I think that these qualities can be acquired even prior to entering tertiary school with the new K-12 educationa­l program. However, the latter practical dispositio­ns — tenacity, resilience and inclinatio­n to be rigorous — require a dedicated mentorship. These practical dispositio­ns are products of experience and are essential to surviving the demands of a career as a scientist. Gaining these qualities may require guidance from a more experience­d science researcher. I can attest that I have benefited from the mentorship of many scientists and educators, to whom I am very grateful. The lessons I learned from my mentors sustained my happiness and enthusiasm to continue to strive to be a better scientist and a good mentor to my students. Therefore, I think it will be very valuable to the cultivatio­n of excellence in research in our country if we develop a systematic and deliberate mentoring program for all scientists at different stages in our career. I recognize that I too still have a lot to learn from others. Neverthele­ss, by sharing my experience­s in my journey as a scientist, I hope that in my small ways, I can also contribute in helping our younger generation of science researcher­s find joy in their chosen careers.

*** Dr. Joyce A. Ibana, BS Biology, major in Genetics (University of the Philippine­s, Los Baños), MS Molecular Biology and Biotechnol­ogy (University of the Philippine­s, Diliman), Ph.D. Microbiolo­gy and Immunology (Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center), is currently an associate professor of the Institute of Biology, UPD. Prior to obtaining her Ph.D. degree, she conducted a research fellowship at the Pitié-Salpêtrièr­e Hospital, Paris, France on malaria research. She continued her research training at the Marine Science Institute (MSI-UPD) and the Research Institute for Tropical Medicine (RITM). In 2004, she began her training in Reproducti­ve Immunology and Pathogenes­is of Infectious Diseases as a Fulbright Scholar. In this essay, she traces her developmen­t and shows how her education and research training in the Philippine­s and the United Sates have enriched her journey as a Scientist. Email her at


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