The Philippine Star

Google asks Internet eyewear fans not to be ‘Glassholes’


SAN FRANCISCO ( AFP) — Google on Tuesday gave early adopters of its Internet-connected eyewear a bit of advice: don’t be “Glassholes.”

It was the final suggestion in a recommende­d code of conduct posted online for software developers and others taking part in an Explorer program providing early access to Google Glass.

The California-based Internet titan appeared intent on avoiding the kinds of caustic run-ins that have seen some Glass wearers tossed from eateries, pubs or other establishm­ents due to concerns over camera capabiliti­es built into devices.

Don’t be “creepy or rude (aka, a “Glasshole”),” Google said in a guide posted online for Explorer program members.

“Respect others and if they have questions about Glass don’t get snappy.”

Google suggests Glass wearers be polite and offer demonstrat­ions to possibly win over the wary. Glass fans were advised it is proper to follow the same rules set down for smartphone use in businesses.

“If you’re asked to turn your phone off, turn Glass off as well,” Google said.

“Breaking the rules or being rude will not get businesses excited about Glass and will ruin it for other Explorers.”

In the wake of one early adopter claiming Glass gave him headaches, Google told users not to “Glass-out” by starring into the inset prism screen for long periods at a time.

“If you find yourself staring off into the prism for long periods of time you’re probably looking pretty weird to the people around you,” Google said.

“So don’t read War and Peace on Glass. Things like that are better done on bigger screens.”

Google also advised against wearing Glass while playing impact sports; or being foolish enough to think the eyewear won’t draw attention.

The “do” list included venturing about, using voice commands, asking permission to take pictures, and employing screen locks to prevent use if Glass is lost or stolen.

Google last month unveiled a partnershi­p with US vision insurer VSP to make prescripti­on Glass and to reimburse some of the costs under health benefits.

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 ??  ?? The Google glass was designed to deliver helpful bursts of informatio­n convenient­ly to let wearers get back to doing things in the real world, according to the technology firm.
The Google glass was designed to deliver helpful bursts of informatio­n convenient­ly to let wearers get back to doing things in the real world, according to the technology firm.

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