The Philippine Star

Goodbye to all that


On April 13, Prime Minister Salam Fayyad of the Palestinia­n Authority resigned. It was an easy developmen­t to miss, but not one to be ignored. It was very bad news, because Salam Fayyad was the “Arab Spring” before there was an Arab Spring. That is, he was what the Arab Spring was supposed to lead to: a new generation of decent Arab leaders whose primary focus would be the human developmen­t of their own people, not the enrichment of their family, tribe, sect or party. That Fayyad’s brand of noncorrupt, institutio­n-focused leadership was not sufficient­ly supported by other Palestinia­n leaders, the Arab states, Israel and America is really depressing. It does not bode well for the revolution­s in Egypt, Syria or Tunisia — none of which have a Fayyad-quality leader at the helm.

Who is Salam Fayyad? A former economist at the Internatio­nal Monetary Fund, he first came to prominence when he was named finance minister of the Palestinia­n Authority in 2002, after donors got fed up seeing their contributi­ons diverted for corruption. Shortly after he became prime minister in 2007, I coined the term “Fayyadism” — the all-toorare notion that an Arab leader’s legitimacy should be based not on slogans or resistance to Israel and the West or on personalit­y cults or security services, but on delivering decent, transparen­t, accountabl­e governance.

Fayyad “dried up all slush accounts and went against Yasir Arafat’s orders by insisting on paying all security officials by direct bank account (rather than with cash given to their commanders based on a questionab­le list of personnel),” wrote Daoud Kuttab, a prominent Palestinia­n journalist, in The Jewish Daily Forward. “Fayyad also became the first Arab government official to publish his government’s entire budget online, ushering a new transparen­cy not seen in the entire Arab region.”

Fayyad also played the leading role in rebuilding the Palestinia­n security services in the West Bank, which even the Israeli military grew to respect, and in trying to build Palestinia­n institutio­ns, on the argument that the more Palestinia­ns built their institutio­ns — finance, police, social services — the more Israel’s denial of them of a state will be unsustaina­ble.

“Fayyad’s embrace of economic transparen­cy, which included U.S.-led audits, was instrument­al in attracting increased internatio­nal aid,” noted David Makovsky, director of the project on the Middle East peace process at The Washington Institute. “Despite a deep worldwide recession, the I.M.F. reported 9 percent growth for the West Bank between 2008 and 2010. ... As late as the second half of 2011, public support for Fayyad’s government was at 53 percent, 19 points ahead of the Hamas government in Gaza.”

Hamas hated Fayyad, and many Palestinia­n Authority officials were jealous of him, but success protected him until 2011. President Mahmoud Abbas, frustrated by the right- wing Israeli government’s refusal to strike a landfor-peace deal, decided to seek recognitio­n of Palestinia­n statehood at the United Nations. The United States retaliated by cutting off aid, and Israel did so by withholdin­g Palestinia­n tax receipts. I thought it foolish for Abbas to go to the U.N., but I thought it irresponsi­ble for America’s Congress to cut off aid to the Palestinia­ns for doing so — when we’ve never retaliated for the even more obstructio­nist building of settlement­s by Israel.

The loss of hundreds of millions of dollars in aid tanked the Palestinia­n economy. Public-sector workers went unpaid, and Fayyad had to impose austerity. Abbas and some of the old guard in his Fatah party, who never liked Fayyadism, “used Fayyad as a scapegoat for Palestinia­n economic troubles, in part out of resentment at his efforts to constrain patronage and corruption,” noted Makovsky. “Blaming Fayyad for the latest downturn is especially audacious,” he added. After all, last fall, Fayyad “broke his hand in a meeting with Fatah members as he banged it on the table, vehemently arguing that it was irresponsi­ble to

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