The Philippine Star

Gov’t supports fare rollback

- Delon Porcalla, Paolo Romero

Amid the series of oil price rollbacks, the Aquino government is open to reduction in fares for the benefit of commuters, a Palace official said yesterday.

“Certainly, we welcome the continuous reduction on oil prices. And we certainly would welcome any effort by the transport sector (to reduce the fares),” presidenti­al spokesman Edwin Lacierda said.

He commended Obet Martin, spokesman of a transport group, who proposed for a fare rollback for passenger jeepneys and buses as well as FX taxi units plying Metro Manila routes.

“Any reduction in jeepney fares will certainly be welcomed by the Filipino people,” said Lacierda.

He, however, said that any fare adjustment would still be subjected to further studies.

Meanwhile, the leader of the opposition bloc in the House of Representa­tives yesterday said there is enough room for a “one-time, big time” rollback in fuel prices owing to the decline in the prices of crude in the world market and the appreciati­on of the peso.

House Minority Leader and Quezon Rep. Danilo Suarez said the opposition bloc is renewing its call for the oil companies to open their books for public scrutiny.

He urge President Aquino and the Department of Energy to press oil firms for another round of oil price reduction.

“There should be more rollback, one-time big rollback. After all the peso remains strong while the global prices have fallen further,” Suarez said. –

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