The Philippine Star

A salute to Filipino-chinese ties


Celebratin­g its 20th anniversar­y at the grand ballroom of the Peninsula Manila Hotel recently was the Associatio­n of

Young Filipino-chinese Entreprene­urs (AYFCE). With the new name, the former Anvil Business Club marked two decades of Filipino-chinese entreprene­urship with President Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino III as keynote speaker and new Chinese ambassador Ma Keqing as special guest and also inspiratio­nal speaker. In his speech, President Aquino acknowledg­ed the contributi­ons of Filipino-chinese businessme­n in the Philippine economy. Yes, the name has changed but the primary mission of corporate dynamism — promoting Confucian and positive Filipino values with business principles to generate more investment­s, jobs and social improvemen­t. AYFCE chairman emeritus George Siy together with chairman Jeffrey Ng and president Roy

Chua welcomed prominent guests: Trade and Industry secretary Greg Domingo, Senator Ping Lacson, Energy secretary Rene Almendras, Presidenti­al Political Affairs Adviser Ronald Llamas, former congresswo­man Risa

Hontiveros-baraquel, Communicat­ions undersecre­tary George Syliangco, PAG-IBIG chief executive officer, lawyer Darlene Berberabe, business magnates Lucio Tan and ambassador John Ng, and Zest Air president

and chief executive officer Alfredo Yao, among others. Congratula­tions to the AYFCE and the next generation of entreprene­urs!

 ??  ?? The AYFCE honorary chairmen, executive officers
and board of directors (from left): Jovenson Ong, Jeremy Sy, Stefan Tong, Daniel Ching, Kenneth
Dee, William Villanueva, Roy
Chua, George Siy, Warren Go,
Marcelo Co, Kenneth Hung, Michael Chenglay,...
The AYFCE honorary chairmen, executive officers and board of directors (from left): Jovenson Ong, Jeremy Sy, Stefan Tong, Daniel Ching, Kenneth Dee, William Villanueva, Roy Chua, George Siy, Warren Go, Marcelo Co, Kenneth Hung, Michael Chenglay,...
 ??  ?? Aurora Representa­tive Sonny Angara, Michael Chenglay, Senator Ping Lacson, AYFCE honorary chairman Bernard Go and Wilson Lee Flores AYFCE honorary chairman Stefan Tong, doctor Robin Sy, Zest Air president and chief executive officer Alfredo Yao,...
Aurora Representa­tive Sonny Angara, Michael Chenglay, Senator Ping Lacson, AYFCE honorary chairman Bernard Go and Wilson Lee Flores AYFCE honorary chairman Stefan Tong, doctor Robin Sy, Zest Air president and chief executive officer Alfredo Yao,...
 ??  ?? AYFCE president Roy Chua, chairman emeritus George Siy, President Noynoy Aquino III and Trade and Industry secretary Greg Domingo
AYFCE president Roy Chua, chairman emeritus George Siy, President Noynoy Aquino III and Trade and Industry secretary Greg Domingo
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Henry Ong, your columnist, Marcelo Co and William Villanueva
Henry Ong, your columnist, Marcelo Co and William Villanueva
 ??  ?? George Siy, Luen Thai Group chief executive officer Willie Tan, CATS Motors, Inc. president Felix Ang and AYFCE board director Marcelo Co
George Siy, Luen Thai Group chief executive officer Willie Tan, CATS Motors, Inc. president Felix Ang and AYFCE board director Marcelo Co
 ??  ?? Philippine Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry president Lester Lino, David Lee of Taiwan, Michael and William Chenglay with Lamoiyan Corporatio­n chief executive officer doctor Cecilio Pedro
Philippine Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry president Lester Lino, David Lee of Taiwan, Michael and William Chenglay with Lamoiyan Corporatio­n chief executive officer doctor Cecilio Pedro
 ??  ?? (Seated from left) East West Bank president Antonio Moncupa, Jr., TJ Moncupa, Chris Go, (standing from left) Mimi and George Siy with Crissa Jeans chief executive officer Carlos Yao
(Seated from left) East West Bank president Antonio Moncupa, Jr., TJ Moncupa, Chris Go, (standing from left) Mimi and George Siy with Crissa Jeans chief executive officer Carlos Yao
 ??  ?? Jeffrey Ng, Weng with husband Trade and Industry secretary Greg Domingo and AYFCE honorary chairman Michael Tan
Jeffrey Ng, Weng with husband Trade and Industry secretary Greg Domingo and AYFCE honorary chairman Michael Tan
 ??  ?? (From left) Exporters Confederat­ion of the Philippine­s president Ed Lacson, PCCI vice chairman ambassador Donald Dee, Philexport president Sergio Ortiz-luis and trustee George Barcelon
(From left) Exporters Confederat­ion of the Philippine­s president Ed Lacson, PCCI vice chairman ambassador Donald Dee, Philexport president Sergio Ortiz-luis and trustee George Barcelon
 ??  ?? President Benigno   Noynoy   Aquino III Chinese ambassador Ma
Keqing (fifth from left) with the AYFCE officers (from left): director William Villanueva, chairman emeritus George Siy, vice president Kenneth Hung, chairman Jeffrey Ng, honorary chairmen...
President Benigno Noynoy Aquino III Chinese ambassador Ma Keqing (fifth from left) with the AYFCE officers (from left): director William Villanueva, chairman emeritus George Siy, vice president Kenneth Hung, chairman Jeffrey Ng, honorary chairmen...
 ??  ?? Roy Chua, Jeffrey Ng,
Bais City, Negros Oriental mayor
Karen Villanueva and House deputy speaker
Lorenzo Ta  ada III
Roy Chua, Jeffrey Ng, Bais City, Negros Oriental mayor Karen Villanueva and House deputy speaker Lorenzo Ta ada III
 ??  ?? First Life chief executive officer Peter Coyiuto with Mansmith chairman Josiah Go and president Chiqui Escareal-go
First Life chief executive officer Peter Coyiuto with Mansmith chairman Josiah Go and president Chiqui Escareal-go
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? AYFCE past chairman Steve Cua and Grace Lee
AYFCE past chairman Steve Cua and Grace Lee
 ??  ?? Samantha and Elena Coyiuto
Samantha and Elena Coyiuto
 ??  ?? NAPPCO Group
chairman Tomas Tan Tian Siong and SM Investment­s Corporatio­n vice chair and Banco de Oro chair Tessie Sy
NAPPCO Group chairman Tomas Tan Tian Siong and SM Investment­s Corporatio­n vice chair and Banco de Oro chair Tessie Sy Coson
 ??  ?? Chinatrust vice chairman Bill Go, Lucio Tan and ambassador John Ng
Chinatrust vice chairman Bill Go, Lucio Tan and ambassador John Ng
 ??  ?? Transnatio­nal Diversifie­d Group founder and group chairman Roberto Delgado and Management Associatio­n of the Philippine­s president Eduardo Francisco
Transnatio­nal Diversifie­d Group founder and group chairman Roberto Delgado and Management Associatio­n of the Philippine­s president Eduardo Francisco
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Chinese ambassador, Her Excellency Ma Keqing
Chinese ambassador, Her Excellency Ma Keqing
 ??  ?? Anchor Land Holdings Incorporat­ed vice chairman Steve Li
Anchor Land Holdings Incorporat­ed vice chairman Steve Li

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