The Freeman

Why We Shouldn’t Live in Fear


A Facebook post got my attention while I was scrolling my phone one morning: “Do not fear, for I am with you, do not be afraid, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my victorious hand. For I, the Lord your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, do not fear, I will help you.” (Isaiah 41: 10 – 13).

I couldn’t help but reflect on the great promise of the Lord – His promise that could assuage whatever fears we might have in facing life’s troubles and challenges.

The post brought me back to a time when a friend confided that certain fear was lurking at the back of her mind – the fear that her son and his family would be leaving soon to live abroad, and she would be living alone in her big house moving on.

I told her to trust in the Lord with all her heart and not to rely on her own understand­ing. God is in control of everything and is on top of all situations. Everything that happens has a reason and a purpose. I further told her that we are not alone in facing the world, even if our children are not physically present.

It is a normal process in life that sooner or later our children would leave the nest to find their place under the sun. This is one facet of life which parents have to embrace and accept, otherwise, fear and uncertaint­y would be a constant part of their waking moments.

Isaiah 41:10-13 encourages us not to be afraid and be fearful, for God wants us to be filled with hope and trust, not fear.

The openthe website says “He has given us hope through the promise that he can uphold us by his strength today.”

The indiaparen­ website echoes this view in saying “By living with fear, one can ruin his or her future. Therefore, it is essential to be fearless to flourish in life.”

“Fear of failure, fear of heartbreak, fear of danger, fear of rejection ETC, are the biggest roadblocks that an individual may come across during his or her lifetime. A positive attitude is very important to adopt a positive approach towards life, Being fearless is very important to adopt a positive attitude.”

Why is it important to be fearless? The site further notes the following reasons:

It Boosts Confidence

It is important to look and feel confident to be happy and successful in life. Being fearless can help to boost an individual’s confidence to do the tasks which he or she has never done before.

It Helps Someone Progress in Life

When one lives with fear, he or she can never progress in life. By living with fear one can ruin his or her future. Therefore, it is essential to be fearless to flourish in life.

It Helps People Move On

Ups and downs are a part of life. It is necessary for an individual to be stable and fearless when he or she experience­s any difficulty or unpleasant circumstan­ces in life. Being fearful can make the situation worse. Being fearless can help an individual overcome such situations and move- on in life.

It Boosts Inner Strength

Being fearless can boost the inner strength of an individual. To be strong and improve the soul, it is necessary to be fearless to accept the truth and harsh realities of life.

“When one lives with fear, he or she can never progress in life. By living with fear one can ruin his or her future. Therefore, it is essential to be fearless to flourish in life.”

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