The Freeman

Errors of bright people


In the days leading to the first session of Philippine Congress in 2019, only three men decided on who would be the Speaker of the House of Representa­tives. They were President Rodrigo Duterte and Congressme­n Alan Peter Cayetano and Lord Alan Velasco. President Duterte is the chief executive of our country and necessaril­y he is not a member of the legislatur­e. He had no business in joining a discussion to select the speaker. So, of the three men who chose who would lead the lower house, actually only two of them, Cayetano andVelasco, mattered because they had the personalit­y and the legal interest to aim for the speakershi­p.

The first time I heard Cayetano was during the deliberati­on of congress whether to elevate to the senate an impeachmen­t complaint lodged against then President Gloria Arroyo. Cayetano was brilliant. He displayed a scholarly knowledge of the constituti­on. His arguments championed the cause of the greatest majority. I was so awed that I. believed that he was destined to reach the top of the country's political totem pole.

I did not know then who Velasco was. But I assumed that he was equally a bright guy. No one would aspire to lead such a forum of learned men as congress unless he was also intellectu­ally gifted to jostle with the other great minds in the congressio­nal free market of ideas. After all, an aspiring speaker should consider that most members of the legislatur­e are brilliant.

Cayetano and Velasco are intellectu­al giants. As lawyers, they know what the fundamenta­l law provides in so far as choosing a speaker is concerned.Yet, in meeting with the president they parlayed the speakershi­p as If they owned it and as If all other congressme­n were their vassals ready to bow to their choice. Duterte, Cayetano and Velasco arrogated unto themselves the absolute power to elect the top honcho of congress, forgetting the constituti­onal provision that the House of Representa­tives elects its speaker by a majority vote of all its members.Yes, according to the constituti­on the speaker is elected. This high position is not subject of agreement of two or three powerful people.

Why then did brilliant men in Pres Duterte, Cayetano and Velasco agree to overlook, If not disregard, the constituti­onal mandate of having the speaker elected by its members? And worse, sign a contract among the three of them to fix a term something which the charter is silent about? And finally why did they decide that one of them would be speaker for fifteen months and the other for twenty one months? Perhaps, they did so because, in their mind, all other representa­tives were their minions unworthy to be speaker of the house!

When Cayetano towards the supposed end of their arrogant term sharing tried to stone wall against implementi­ng their unconstitu­tional contract by claiming he had numbers, he actually thought that so much number of congressme­n were at his merciful beck and dominant call. To me, he erred in assuming the speakershi­p as his private largesse rather than a position open for democratic election.

Similarly, when Velasco countered Cayetano's arrogant posturing and moved to enforce their agreed power-sharing, he also imagined to be possessed with overpoweri­ng authority over the rest of the legislator­s. Of course, he seemed right in his suppositio­n because 186 congressme­n apparently toed his line somewhat mindlessly.

The speakershi­p maybe a political spoil, realistica­lly speaking, but representa­tives obsessed at becoming the speaker err in thinking that their initial herds of supposed congressme­n-supporters are their unthinking pawns who would follow them all the time and at all cost. The recent turmoil in the House of Representa­tives is proof that brilliant men tend to err If they trust their politics inside congress to fleeting and unprincipl­ed alliances.

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