The Freeman

So much to be thankful for


Been silent for the longest time. ECQ, MECQ,GCQ. But most of all internet cue. I am grateful to PLDT for setting up a timely connection in spite of the border restrictio­ns and the many risks they have to take as they enter homes.

So here I am trying to make a sound. But I have the same tune. STAY AT HOME when you don’t have anything to do outside. Keep your family, your neighbors and our country safe by reducing the chance of infection.

I am so grateful to our company that in spite of the stress it is facing with the closing of public places, the bans, and the reduction of local and internatio­nal flights and tourists, we have not been left alone.

Our corporate president has had our backs, which encourages us more to give our hundred percent to our work whether we do it at home or we go to our work stations.

But not everyone has been blessed with leaders and businesses that can withstand the pressure of a great economic slump. Smaller businesses have had to fold up and my heart goes out to those who have lost their jobs and are now fully dependent on our government’s social services to survive.

Our governor has been an icon of strength as she fights against the unpopular in the effort to keep her province safe. I have nothing but respect for this woman and perhaps she has passed on her genes to our Mayor in Lilo-an who has been true to her word to provide for all likewise following President Duterte’s direction to provide for all. Mind you, we have received all the food benefits that our Mayor has promised.

As a corporate citizen of Mandaue City, I have also witnessed the untiring efforts of our Mayor and his team as time and again they have reminded people to stay home and avoid group gatherings. I would like to think that the same goes for all the government offices. Everyone trying to keep the numbers of positive cases down to none as they strive to help control the spread of the disease and scrounge on their budgets to continue to provide.

The outpouring of gratitude for all the front liners shows the depth of our appreciati­on for their dedication and courage, and there is no end to this indebtedne­ss. Even our friends in the business sector who have extended beyond themselves both their resources and their valuable insights to help our country slowly regain its economic footing without sacrificin­g more lives.

Now the responsibi­lity is passed on to us citizens. As we leave the safety of our homes, we are now to think of the person beside us. How far are we from each other? Is he or she safe enough from me and vice versa? We are not to be complacent or to feel assured unless a vaccine is ready and is already in our system.

COVID-19 has revealed a lot of things to us. How much we rely on each other. How valuable family and friends are. How important good leaders are. How sacrifice is needed and yes, how we must be prepared. For there is no assurance that no other pandemic will occur.

In this case, we have to invest more on science. Encourage more discoverie­s. Allow inventors and scientists to flourish. We need them for the future.

And we shall continue to pray. For it is God who is above all this. In His faithfulne­ss we shall rely.

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