The Freeman

Humanizing and Christiani­zing technology


This is always a challenge for me as it should be for everybody else. Technology, at the rate that it is developing, is slowly charming us into dehumaniza­tion, let alone, our dechristia­nization.

The main reason is that it tends to remove us from the foundation of our humanity who is God and sweeps us off our feet because of the many practical convenienc­es and advantages it gives.

The most dangerous part of this phenomenon is that the new technologi­es now appear to be our new idols, our new gods that seem to speak and interact with us.

Whereas before, the idols were “silver and gold, made by the hands of men, who have mouths but cannot speak, eyes but cannot see, ears but cannot hear, noses but cannot smell...” (Ps 115,4-6), now the new technologi­es as our new idols appear to have mouths that seem to speak, eyes that seem to see, ears that seem to hear, noses that seem to smell.

Our new technologi­es indeed are very tantalizin­g, since they seem to be interactiv­e. But this interactiv­ity only feeds our egoistic interests. If one is not solidly grounded on Christian faith and is simply or mainly dependent on his senses, feelings, and understand­ing of things, then he will be swept away. He will be at the mercy of the dynamics of worldly values.

And whatever prudence he may exercise in using technology would be the prudence of the world and the flesh, not the prudence of the spirit, the prudence that comes from God, the prudence that is proper to us as persons and children of God.

Now is the time to face the challenge squarely before we lose our human and Christian soul. And that is why as early as possible we should train everyone about how to relate our technologi­es to God, his will and providence. Otherwise, there is no other way but to be destroyed by them. Our technologi­es can be our modern Trojan horse, a sweet but deadly poison.

We have to learn to see God and souls in the mesmerizin­g world of the new technologi­es. Otherwise, they will imprison us in our own world. We have to develop and grow in love while using technologi­es, adoring, praising and thanking God and reaching out and serving others through them. Remember that it is love that should drive us in life, love as shown by Christ.

Thus, the ethical and moral standard in using technology should have as parameters love for God and love for everybody else. Short of that, we would be misusing technology even if we are fascinated by them. We would be exposing ourselves to danger.

Right from the bosom of the family, this ethical and moral standard in the use of the technologi­es should already be imparted. And it should be consistent­ly reinforced in the schools and the other higher levels of social life.

As St. Paul said: “Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it to the glory of God.” (1 Cor 10,31) we have to remember also that loving and glorifying God always brings with it loving and serving others. In the end, we have to do everything such that we follow what Christ himself said as a new commandmen­t for us: “To love one another as I (Christ) have loved you.” (Jn 13,34)

It is only in this way we can keep ourselves masters, not slaves, of the technologi­es. It is only in this way that our human and Christian dignity is preserved and enhanced.

‘Our technologi­es can be our modern Trojan horse, a


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