The Freeman


- By Logan Derrick

For many years, men were more commonly known to be the protectors and financial providers for their families. But in our changing world, this is becoming less prevalent, as more fathers are now filling the role of homemaker while their spouses go off to work.

As a father, whether you are out at work during the day or a stay-at-home dad, you will always have many responsibi­lities to your children.

While boys and girls learn differentl­y and have differing needs, there are key things that all children need from their father.

Quality time. It’s easy to turn on the television and watch a show with your child. But it’s better, instead, to take the time to teach her something new or take him out on an adventure. There is a great big world out there waiting for kids to explore and experience – with Dad along.

If you don’t feel like going out, find something fun and interactiv­e to do at home. Build a fort, play a board game, or work on an art project together. Even playing an interactiv­e video game together is better than just sitting and watching TV.

Sharing quality time together is one of the best ways to show love for your children.

Unconditio­nal love. Love should be a nobrainer when it comes to your kids. More specifical­ly though, children need to feel that your love for them is unconditio­nal.

There will be times, as your child grows, that they will make mistakes or do things you don’t agree with. As their father, it will be vital to show them unconditio­nal love and support in these situations, even if you don’t condone these choices.

This does not mean you can’t take advantage of teaching opportunit­ies or share your opinion regarding their choices. It simply means allowing them to make their own decisions and loving them for who they are. Along with showing your children unconditio­nal love, it is also important for you to show that same love for their mother.

To see you love and respect their mother. One day your son or daughter will find the love of their life. When that day comes, you will want to make sure they have had a good example of how to treat their significan­t other.

For sons, this will be vital, so they know how to properly treat women and show them the respect they deserve. For daughters it will be a matter of seeing how women should be treated, so they end up with someone who treats them with love and respect.

This respect should also be extended to the other people you associate with.

Respect others. Children are constantly watching their parents, all the while learning what to do and what not to do. The way you interact with your peers, family, and friends will be a guidebook for how your kids treat people in the future.

Because of this, it is essential to be courteous and kind in your day-to-day relations. This will help your children learn to respect others and be more communicat­ive.

This level of respect translates into the way you decide to discipline your children.

Loving discipline. Discipline is often associated with words like punishment and chastiseme­nt. However, discipline doesn’t need to have this negative stigma attached to it. The phrase “loving discipline” may sound like an oxymoron, but can pay major dividends when used in teaching your children the difference between right and wrong.

This is sometimes also referred to as loving guidance. It involves you, as a parent, regulating your own emotions, strengthen­ing your connection with your child, and showing that same unconditio­nal love when helping them learn.

Learning to properly discipline your children will help you be a more effective parent and will also help them know how to treat themselves when they do something wrong.

In the end, as you make an exerted effort to spend more quality time with your kids, show them unconditio­nal love, respect their mother and others around you, while also making a point to lovingly discipline them, you will find the bond you have will grow stronger on a daily basis.

Of course, there is more to being a good father than these five simple points. However, starting with these few key steps will set you on a path to being the father you want to be and your children need you to be.

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