The Freeman

11 Asia-Pacific states sign trade deal


SANTIAGO — Eleven nations signed a slimmeddow­n version of the TransPacif­ic Partnershi­p (TPP) trade agreement yesterday, moving to lower tariffs just as US President Donald Trump raised them after withdrawin­g from the deal.

The TPP, which would have represente­d 40 percent of the global economy and nearly one-quarter of its trade, was left for dead after Trump pulled out to pursue his "America First" agenda.

But the revamped deal, now known as the Comprehens­ive and Progressiv­e Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnershi­p (CPTPP), is still a significan­t achievemen­t and a victory for openness, its supporters said at the signing ceremony in Santiago, Chile.

"We are proud to have completed this process, sending a strong message to the internatio­nal community that opening markets, economic integratio­n and internatio­nal cooperatio­n are the best tools to create economic opportunit­y and prosperity," said Chilean President Michelle Bachelet.

The pact includes Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore and Vietnam, representi­ng together 13.5 percent of the global economy.

The 11 states form a market of 500 million people, greater than that of the European Union.

The deal was signed just before Trump slapped steep tariffs on imported steel and aluminum, setting up what many allies both at home and abroad warn could escalate into a global trade war.

Former president Barack Obama's administra­tion pushed for the TPP as a counterwei­ght to growing Chinese commercial power. It not only cut tariffs but required members to comply with a high level of regulatory standards in areas like labor law and environmen­tal protection.

Fernando Estenssoro, of Chile's University of Santiago, says snubbing the pact is "a type of suicide" for the United States.

Washington's absence leaves an open path for China — which remains excluded from the deal — as it negotiates separately with Asian countries and New Zealand.

The CPTPP aims to slash tariffs among the 11 members and foster trade to boost growth.

"We're very proud... to show the world that progressiv­e trade is the way forward," said Canadian Trade Minister Francois-Philippe Champagne as officials gathered for the signing ceremony.

Felipe Lopeandia, Chile's top trade negotiator, said the deal will "send a political signal to the world and to the United States itself, that this is a global agreement."

It is one which remains hugely significan­t, said Ignacio Bartesaghi of the Catholic University of Uruguay's business school.

 ?? AGENCE FRANCE PRESSE ?? Ministers from 11 countries pose for an official picture after signing the rebranded 11-nation Pacific trade pact Comprehens­ive and Progressiv­e Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnershi­p (CPTPP) in Santiago, Chile.
AGENCE FRANCE PRESSE Ministers from 11 countries pose for an official picture after signing the rebranded 11-nation Pacific trade pact Comprehens­ive and Progressiv­e Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnershi­p (CPTPP) in Santiago, Chile.

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