The Freeman

When the impossible becomes possible


That's when we have full trust in God's providence, his word and promises, the effectiven­ess of his redemptive mission, his abundant mercy, his wisdom and omnipotenc­e and all the other, endless reasons that we can never account for.

It's really a matter of a living faith, a functionin­g hope and a burning charity. With these, nothing is impossible, including our capacity to be holy despite all our weaknesses, mistakes and sins.

Let's be like Abraham who hoped against hope to follow what God had commanded him. God also told him that he would be a father of many nations, despite the fact that he was old, the same with his wife, Sarah, and at that time, they were childless because Sarah was barren. To top it all, God tested him by asking him to offer his son, Isaac, as a sacrifice.

Many times we have to let go of our human estimation­s of things and abandon ourselves in the dynamic of God's providence. He knows much better. In fact, he knows infinitely much better than we do. We should not dare to question his designs, his commandmen­ts, his promptings, no matter how seemingly unreasonab­le and impossible they are. We just have to follow them.

Remember that gospel episode where Christ told his disciples that it was easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. (cfr Mt 19)

The disciples were greatly astonished. "Who then can be saved?," they asked. That's when Christ told them: "With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."

I guess the secret here is to make our limitation­s, our inabilitie­s, including our failures, mistakes and sins as the very occasion and reason to get closer to God, asking for his pardon and help. We just have to humble ourselves because, as Christ himself said, "He who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted." (Mt 23,12)

Let's always remember that God loves us always, despite whatever. As a loving and all-powerful father, he will do everything to save us. And what we cannot do, he can always do. We just have to trust him and do our best to cooperate with his providence.

Not even our abundant sin can deter him from loving us. "Where sin has abounded, his grace has abounded even more." (Rom 5,20) He came not to condemn, but to save. (cfr Jn 3,17)

We just have to make use of this trust and hope in God by cooperatin­g as best as we could in God's redemptive providence. There is so much to done. In fact, this is part of the ultimate purpose of our life here on earth. Let's not lose sight of this truth.

When we have this kind of hope, we can work with greater confidence, ease, boldness, creativity and effectiven­ess. We can experience ourselves the very power of God and be left completely awed by it.

This is when the things we consider as impossible somehow become possible to us. We need to always reinforce our hope and trust in God as we go through the drama and adventure of our life. Let's always be hopeful and optimistic, cheerful and serene!

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