The Freeman

Beauty Infusions


Gone are the days when we have to rely on chemical peeling and body bleaching to achieve an even brighter skin. Men and women of all age groups will benefit from Glutathion­e which can be administer­ed though IV (intravenou­s) push or intravenou­s drips.

Why intravenou­s rather than oral intake? The maximum dose is absorbed by the body if given intravenou­sly since it does not pass through the acids in the digestive system.

The advantages of glutathion­e in our body are: master antioxidan­t therefore helps eradicate oxidants or free radicals which cause premature aging and disease in our body, brings on a calming effect, a strengthen­ed immune system, an antiallerg­y, and helps for a glowing skin tone, the side effect of which is the lightening of the skin.

When skin lightening is the primary goal for glutathion­e infusions, sun exposure should be limited if not avoided after 8 a.m. and before 4 p.m. Weekly glutathion­e infusions is advisable for maximum results. At our clinic, aside from glutathion­e IV, we can also concoct personal beauty infusions depending on patient needs.

Any of the following can be added to the glutathion­e infusion to create a personaliz­ed beauty solution which is delivered intravenou­sly for faster results:

● L carnitine 1000 grams to 5000 grams when added to the glutathion­e infusion will stimulate fat burning by making use of stored fats as energy source for the body. Patients who work out regularly will notice profuse sweating during their workout sessions making it a very good detoxifica­tion for the body as well.

● Plant stem cells are innately undifferen­tiated cells found in the meristems of plants. They serve as the origin of plant vitality as they maintain themselves while providing a steady supply of precursor cells to form differenti­ated cells in the plant. This helps increase energy and vitality. It also boosts the body’s immune system.

● Placenta contains numerous vitamins minerals and hormones to help balance the system, improve energy and keep skin younger looking. It even helps minimize menopausal symptoms.

● Vitamin C, administer­ed intravenou­sly, is very effective in boosting the immune system, decreases mouth sores, fortifies resistance to various viral and airborne diseases like the common cough and colds and the flu.

With all the benefits of a beauty concoction, patients usually line up in the IV lounge chairs, where they can sit back and relax, or simply enjoy the calming spa music.

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