The Freeman

Unmatched fervor


studying, preaching and teaching the gospel, and feeding street people.

The vigil and procession are characteri­zed by both patience and urgency, a manner of taking things directly to Jesus walking among them, yet doing so in their own fashion. Tracing the long history of such religious practice, the long decades of corruption and persistent dirty politickin­g in the Philippine­s had caused enormous poverty, abuses and sufferings among its populace, and contribute­d to the sense of needing to turn directly to God for relief. Generally, we are patient, tolerant and forbearing people. We can take so many abuses and sufferings just like Jesus did during his passion, crucifixio­n, and death on the cross. Similarly, we show how we can identify by enduring a procession.

Such display of faith, to a large extent, becomes adverse when it would lead to injuries and deaths among faithful. This has become the picture in every procession marring the devoutness of the practice. There is a complete contrast to the solemn procession of the Senior Sto. Niño. Its solemnity even extends to the fluvial procession and other religious activities. And such solemnity does not diminish such fervor among the Cebuanos and the faithful from other islands and even across the globe.

My fervent prayer is that such passionate faith would translate to genuine good deeds toward fellowmen. Our strong faith would hopefully intensify our commitment to be of service through our deep and altruistic concern for others. And truly we can say that such faith has found its real essence.

 ??  ?? It is an unfathomab­le feeling that a word can’t give good reason for. Not even a scientific rationaliz­ation can suffice such human display of faith. This is especially true when such religious belief has been practiced for generation­s. And its growing...
It is an unfathomab­le feeling that a word can’t give good reason for. Not even a scientific rationaliz­ation can suffice such human display of faith. This is especially true when such religious belief has been practiced for generation­s. And its growing...

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