The Freeman

Mubarak leaves jail for house arrest


Egypt's toppled dictator Hosni Mubarak was transferre­d from prison to house arrest at a military hospital on Thursday, in a move overshadow­ed by a blistering crackdown against his Islamist successors.

The former strongman, forced to quit in early 2011, was flown by medical helicopter to a military hospital, where he will remain under house arrest as he stands trial on corruption and murder charges.

His ouster in 2011 was a pivotal moment in regional democratic upheavals that in Egypt led to an Islamist government, which lasted a year before a popularly backed military coup last month.

In other circumstan­ces, the 85-year-old's removal from prison might have caused shockwaves.

But with Egypt mired in a deadly conflict between the military-installed government and Islamists, Mubarak's transfer took place amid little fanfare or protest.

He was ordered released after his lawyer argued Mubarak's stay in prison had exceeded the maximum preverdict detention, and Mubarak made financial amends for one of his charges.

He still faces trial for corruption and his role in the deaths of protesters during the uprising that toppled him, with his next hearing on Sunday.

Prime Minister Hazem alBeblawi, empowered with the authority to order arrests under the current state of emergency, ordered Mubarak to be placed under house arrest after release from jail.

Mubarak chose to be held at the military hospital, the official MENA news agency reported.

The decision to grant Mubarak pre-trial release added a volatile new element to the political turmoil that has gripped Egypt since the army ousted Islamist president Mohamed Morsi on July 3 following massive protests against him.

 ?? ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? An Egyptian supporter of former president Hosni Mubarak raises his portrait outside the Tora prison in Cairo.
ASSOCIATED PRESS An Egyptian supporter of former president Hosni Mubarak raises his portrait outside the Tora prison in Cairo.

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