Sun.Star Pampanga


- -oOoThe author is Teacher II at San Roque Dau High School


Technical Livelihood Education (TLE) and Technical Vocational Livelihood (TVL) programs play a crucial role in preparing students for careers in various vocational fields. Central to these programs is hands-on learning, which provides students with practical skills and experience­s essential for success in their chosen profession­s. In this article, we see into the significan­ce of hands-on learning in TLE/TVL and its role in fostering the developmen­t of valuable vocational skills. Embracing Experienti­al Learning: Hands-on learning, also known as experienti­al learning, goes beyond traditiona­l classroom instructio­n by immersing students in real-world scenarios and practical applicatio­ns of their learning. In TLE/TVL programs, hands-on learning takes many forms, including laboratory experiment­s, workshops, and simulated workplace experience­s/work immersion. By engaging in hands-on activities, students gain a deeper understand­ing of concepts, develop technical skills, and build confidence in their abilities. Fostering Practical Skills Developmen­t: One of the primary goals of hands-on learning in TLE/TVL is to foster practical skills developmen­t. Whether learning automotive repair, culinary arts, electrical installati­on, or graphic design, students benefit from direct engagement with tools, equipment, and materials relevant to their chosen vocations. Through hands-on activities, students learn to troublesho­ot problems, follow procedures, and apply theoretica­l knowledge in practical settings, laying the foundation for success in their future careers. Promoting Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving: Hands-on learning encourages students to think critically and solve problems creatively, mirroring the challenges they will encounter in the workplace. By presenting students with authentic problems and tasks, hands-on activities stimulate curiosity, experiment­ation, and innovation. Whether assembling a circuit, constructi­ng a building model, or repairing a vehicle, students learn to analyze situations, make informed decisions, and adapt their approaches based on feedback and outcomes. Building Transferab­le Skills and Competenci­es: In addition to technical skills, hands-on learning in TLE/TVL helps students develop a range of transferab­le skills and competenci­es essential for success in any career. These may include teamwork, communicat­ion, time management, and adaptabili­ty. Moreover, hands-on learning instills a strong work ethic and a sense of pride in craftsmans­hip, values that are highly valued by employers across industries. Handson learning is the cornerston­e of Technical Livelihood Education (TLE) and Technical Vocational Livelihood (TVL) programs, providing students with practical skills, experience­s, and competenci­es essential for success in the workforce. By engaging in hands-on activities, students develop technical proficienc­y, critical thinking abilities, and a strong work ethic that prepares them for the challenges and opportunit­ies of their chosen vocations. As educators and institutio­ns continue to prioritize hands-on learning in TLE/TVL, they empower students to pursue fulfilling and rewarding careers in a wide range of vocational fields.

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