Sun.Star Pampanga




You are a unique creation of God with special gifts, by comparing yourself to others you are essentiall­y telling God that he didn’t do well with you. Your self-esteem deteriorat­es, and you are not able to grow personally and profession­ally. At first, we don’t know why God gave some gifts to others and not to us, what his purposes are for everyone. It is our role to find out what our own purpose is, so we can use our gifts to accomplish our calling and destiny. People who compare themselves to others can become insecure, indecisive, and eventually bitter. They will eventually second guess what they will do and what they will say, by the wheel of time they lose track of who they really are. People who compare themselves to others can lose their own identity by acting and looking like someone else that they can become depressed to the point of hating themselves. I imagine that from God’s perspectiv­e, we may be hurting God by not loving ourselves. He is the creator of the universe; we admire his creations such as grandiose mountains, beautiful skies, and great flowing rivers—nature in general.but why do sometimes we don’t admire the enormous work it took to create a human being. Furthermor­e, why don’t we thank him in the first place for creating us as unique individual­s. I am purpose-driven and fully committed to use every gift and talent God gave me because it is the best I can do to thank and honor God for giving me such a unique gift—creativity, be an inspiratio­n to others, gift of public speaking. If you find that you are comparing yourself to others, stop immediatel­y.

The more you make that comparison, the lower your self-esteem will go, and the harder it is to recover. You become what you believe of yourself, you are whaat you say you are. Your mouth speaks what is in your heart, the more you feed and say negative things about yourself, the more your ears hear it and those words will eventually penetrate your kind and gentle soul. There is always hope, you have the ability to control over what you think and what you say. Ask the Almighty God to help you by making you aware of negative thoughts and words you may say about yourself when you compare yourself to others. Change those negative words to positive words, instead of saying “I’m not as smart and talented as that person” say, “Glory to you God, thank you for making me a smart and talented person and allowing me the chance to create art works and inspire other people”.

The moment we stop comparing ourselves to other people, we trust God to write our unique life story and miracles will do happen and we start o grow in every area of our lives. We allow God to reveal hidden gifts we didn’t know we had; and as we develop and use those gifts, he bless us so much that we shouldn’t let us ourselves comparing each other, God gives us gifts to glorify him. He sees our hearts, that’s why remember that when we don’t use the certain gifts, he has given to us, God may take those gifts away and give them to somebody else who will use them to glorify him. For example, if he gave you the gift oof leadership but we don’t want to we din’t want to step up and take the leadership roles—whether at work, business, volunteer—-he will close doors of opportunit­ies and choose others to do those tasks. The process works in a simple way; he gives us the gifts; we develop them and make them ready to be used; he opens doors of opportunit­ies, and we step in with faith, hope and love in order to e those gifts and glorify our Almighty Creator God.


II at Justino Sevilla High School

author is Teacher

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