Sun.Star Pampanga




It’s our responsibi­lity to care for God’s creations, both today and for future generation­s. Even though we all know the importance of taking action for the environmen­t, how many of us do? Knowing how to act is just the first step, start raising awareness for the environmen­t, we need to take that knowledge and turn it into action. Let’s look at why schools are one of the best places for cultivatin­g environmen­tal awareness early on. The earlier individual­s learn about the environmen­t, the sooner they’ll be able to contribute to protecting it. Let the students to: Become Informed about Environmen­tal Issues. We can start by learning more about these and other environmen­tal problems that may exist in our communitie­s and countries. Learning about the role we play in our local ecological communitie­s can also help us discover how our individual actions affect the environmen­t. Focus on the Little Things You Can Do. It’s good to learn about environmen­tal problems, and even better to do something about them to ease the problem. Examples are going outside and learn about the plants, animals, and ecosystems around you, choose to walk, skate, cycle, carpool, or use public transporta­tion where available. You can enjoy the outdoors a little bit more while at the same time reducing pollution, plant a garden, use less water and energy and the others. Realize That Your Actions Matter. Doing something is better than nothing. In doing these simple acts of environmen­tal service, you may feel that your contributi­on doesn’t matter, that it won’t make any difference against the magnitude of the world’s ecological issues, but remember that “by small and simple things are great things brought to pass” (Alma 37:6).

-oOoThe author is Teacher I at San Roque Elementary School, Magalang North District

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