Sun.Star Pampanga

Time for unity


AFTER the smoke of politics and the recent election has faded away, politician­s who battled for the positions should now embrace each other and unite. It’s time that they, winners or otherwise, should think again what is good for the people they have promised to serve.

It is undeniable that elections in the country are great battles fought by political clans and personalit­ies. There are winners and there are no losers. Indeed, there are those who self-proclaimed as having been “cheated”. From start to finish, warring politician­s are throwing each other tirades and mud in the guise of issues that need to be raised, “so the people may know”.

Since politician­s promote their selves, it is best for them to destroy the reputation of their nemeses and raise issues on their capacities to rule. By standards, they only have to discourse their dreams and aspiration­s, their plans and programs for the people if they get elected. The problem is that some, instead of speaking for themselves, talk about the faults and weaknesses of others.

One time, I attended one of the nightly caucuses of a local politician who aimed to dethrone an incumbent local chief executive. His style of speaking was more of giving offensive attacks rather than discussing what he wants to do should he get elected. During his talk, it was evident that people got bored, while giving signs that attacking one’s opponent in politics is now passé and should not be the style of an aspiring leader with clean intentions to lead.

In politics, many switch partymates or tandems. There are no permanent friends in politics, as we say. This perhaps gave birth to the multi-party system in the country where many of those who aspire, create their own political group and do away with political cl an s.

Creating alliances and bolting out of political parties are also prevalent in our country. Politician­s have their own valid reasons why they do it and why it happens. Poor leadership of a political party may be one.

Indeed, politics in our country is very colorful, festive and unpredicta­ble. There are developmen­ts that we expect to happen and there are those that we do not have even an iota of idea would happen. Every election year, politics had been setting some standards and we cannot help but to go with the flow. One thing that is important after all of these is to let bygones be bygones and politician­s unite for the benefit and welfare of the people they want to serve.

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Pampanga 3rd District re-elected congressma­n Aurelio “Dong”Gonzales is said to be considered as the next Speaker of the House of Representa­tives. In a few weeks, the 18th Congress will open.

Cong. Dong has the capacity, the leadership and the experience to lead the Lower House. With the support he gets from the national leadership, he has a better chance to get the speakershi­p of the next congress. Definitely, other Kapampanga­n lawmakers are much supportive of him including those from other provinces whom our great leader in the district has allied with.

Let us keep our fingers crossed that we shall have Speaker Dong soon.

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