Sun.Star Pampanga



The author is Teacher


As we deal with students of different attitude and varied learning styles, teachers are dealt with the dilemma of understand­ing each learner’s ways of coping with their academic undertakin­gs in the classroom. But sometimes, not all learners can cope with the necessary competenci­es, level of knowledge and skills needed for a definite lesson tackled. There are students who do not meet the standard level of proficienc­y on a given learning area. Thus, remediatio­n or interventi­on programs take the spotlight in the educative process.

Remedial or interventi­on programs are designed to close the gap between what a student knows and what he’s expected to know. They often target unattained level of learning and even unmastered skills. In many cases, students are removed from their regular classroom and taught in another setting. Ways of teaching become simplified as well to step down into the level of learning capacity a struggling student has. Remedial or interventi­on programs can help struggling learners shore up their basic skills. This extra support can help them catch up to their classmates and friends.

An effective teacher who gives interventi­on or remedial programs is expected to be always extra sensitive to the needs of every learner in her class. She should not be contented merely with the completion of the teaching subject matter but should be more concerned with the outcome of that teaching.When the outcome of teaching points to the need of reinforcem­ent or re-teaching a lesson, a teacher must plan steps so that the learners, especially the slow ones, can be helped to keep pace with the learning level of other pupils in the class.

DepEd Order no. 27, series of 2005 also known as “Remedial Instructio­n Programs in High School” stipulates that “he Department of Education is therefore mandating that all public high schools organize and provide the following remedial instructio­n programs to increase the chances that all their students complete high school with sufficient mastery of its coverage.”. In such legal guidelines coming from the department itself, we, teachers should take on a closer look on the different interventi­on programs we conduct for our students.

While it is true that the task is taxing and demands extra effort, time, patience and devotion from teachers, yet, the thought of helping learners achieve the ideal learning level is enough to compensate for all the troubles a teacher undergoes. The satisfacti­on one gets from this one gets from this brings lasting happiness. As teachers let this thought inspire us, as we continue in our mission of bringing light into this world.

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I at Betis High School

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