Sun.Star Pampanga




“What do you want to be when you grow up? In what places do you want to go to? Do you like to build a house for your family? “These are some of the questions my relatives asked me when I was a kid. Questions that lingered in my ear as I grow up. Questions which I used as weapons to achieve what I have right now. I am a teacher, proud to say, I am!

I grew up in a very poor family of 7. We have lived a simple life .“Isang kahig, Isang tuka” as they say. But this did not hinder me to go on with life. My parents always tell me to stop from schooling because I had to give way for my 2 older siblings to finish college due to financial constraint­s.

My heart told me not to. I had to do it on my own. With full eagerness to finish school, I had to work double time as a researcher in the morning and study in the evening. It was not that easy to be in that situation but thinking that it will be a lot difficult if I will not finish college, I did not lose hope. With faith in God and willingnes­s to finish college, everything seemed to be reachable. Until my dream came into reality, I FINISHED COLLEGE ON MY OWN!

If I wasn’t that eager that time, where will I be now? EDUCATION is really a treasure which nobody can rob from us. It will stay in us and will serve us our KEY for many doors to open. Doors which will serve as opportunit­ies for us to achieve more not only for ourselves but for other people too. Education is a gift from God and so we have to use it in helping our fellowmen and for the glory of our Almighty Creator.

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The author is Teacher III at Sindalan Elementary School

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