Sun.Star Davao

Security breach


REPORTS have reached the main office in Manila that its Davao City staff, especially the ladies, are busy doing their nails and chatting on Facebook instead of doing what they’re paid to do: call clients and promote their services. To address the problem, the head office sends over a team of geeks to install CCTVs and software that blocks access to social media and other online sites. But, the ladies were too smart and used their beauties to seduce the geeks to give them the passwords to unblock the sites and play tricks on the video recording. One of the “Tagawogs” took the bait and, according to the girls, “na in-love daw ang tonto.” (xxx)

Marked man

The guy has resurfaced after a brief “hiatus” in the boondocks. But his folks and neighbors are getting the creeps because they know he’s a wanted man and word has it that someone’s out to get him for a hefty amount of moohlah. According to chismosas, the wanted man is just visiting his daughter and gathering some info on who “sold” him to whoever it is that wants him six feet below. (ac/dc)


The life of a department store promo girl is no joke. In fact, it is hell. At least this is what the promos of this very popular mall are experienci­ng. According to the girls, their supervisor does not allow them to go home unless they hit their quota of P4,000 a day. This means that they have to stand by at the locker room until all the lights at the mall have all been turned off. They are the last to leave, no questions asked. Now, failure to make the quota for a week, and it’s bye-bye work. But, the cruelty doesn’t stop there... (anon)

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