Sun.Star Cebu

Nicaragua pageant head charged over ‘coup’ plot


MEXICO CITY — Nicaraguan police said Friday they want to arrest the director of the Miss Nicaragua pageant, accusing her of intentiona­lly rigging contests so that anti-government beauty queens would win the pageants as part of a plot to overthrow the government.

The charges against pageant director Karen Celebertti would not be out of place in a vintage James Bond movie with a repressive, closed off government, coup-plotting claims, foreign agents and beauty queens.

It all started Nov. 18, when Miss Nicaragua, Nicaragua’s Sheynnis Palacios won the Miss Universe competitio­n. The government of President Daniel Ortega briefly thought it had scored a rare public relations victory, calling her win a moment of “legitimate joy and pride.”

But the tone quickly soured the day after the win when it emerged that Palacios had posted photos of herself on Facebook participat­ing in one of the mass anti-government protests in 2018.

The protests were violently repressed, and human rights officials say 355 people were killed by government forces. Ortega claimed the protests were an attempted coup with foreign backing, aiming for his overthrow. His opponents said Nicaraguan­s were protesting his increasing­ly repressive rule and seemingly endless urge to hold on to power.

A statement by the National Police claimed Celebertti “participat­ed actively, on the internet and in the streets in the terrorist actions of a failed coup,” an apparent reference to the 2018 protests.

Celebertti apparently slipped through the hands of police after she was reportedly denied permission to enter the country a few days ago. But some local media reported that her son and husband had been taken into custody.

Celebertti, her husband and son face charges of “treason to the motherland.”

Celebertti “remained in contact with the traitors, and offered to employ the franchises, platforms and spaces supposedly used to promote ‘innocent’ beauty pageants, in a conspiracy orchestrat­ed to convert the contests into traps and political ambushes financed by foreign agents,” according to the statement.

It didn’t help that many ordinary Nicaraguan­s — who are largely forbidden to protest or carry the national flag in marches — took advantage of the Miss Universe win as a rare opportunit­y to celebrate in the streets.

Their use of the blue-andwhite national flag, as opposed to Ortega’s red-and-black Sandinista banner, further angered the government, who claimed the plotters “would take to the streets again in December, in a repeat of history’s worst chapter of vileness.”

Palacios became the first Nicaraguan to win Miss Universe.

 ?? ?? USING BEAUTY. Miss Nicaragua Sheynnis Palacios participat­es in the evening gown category during the 72nd Miss Universe Beauty Pageant in San Salvador, El Salvador, Saturday, Nov. 18, 2023. The 23-year-old communicol­ogist went on to win the competitio­n, the first to wear the crown from her country. Miss Nicaragua pageant director Karen Celebertti has been accused of using beauty pageants to overthrow the Nicaraguan government.
USING BEAUTY. Miss Nicaragua Sheynnis Palacios participat­es in the evening gown category during the 72nd Miss Universe Beauty Pageant in San Salvador, El Salvador, Saturday, Nov. 18, 2023. The 23-year-old communicol­ogist went on to win the competitio­n, the first to wear the crown from her country. Miss Nicaragua pageant director Karen Celebertti has been accused of using beauty pageants to overthrow the Nicaraguan government.

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